If the app is running on the same machine Windows is you haven’t gone far enough, that’s all i’ll say.
If the app is running on the same machine Windows is you haven’t gone far enough, that’s all i’ll say.
Ferrari disagrees. Expensive sports cars are kind of a different story than driver’s licenses, though.
We saw a very sophisticated attack on Linux earlier this year with the XZ exploit. That stuff is terrifying and the sort of thing people should be worried about. SELinux is tame, by comparison.
sudo !!
Will also run the previous command with sudo, fwiw.
Yeah that telecommunications part is working out great right now, huh? Well, i guess we just gotta keep fighting them.
Sounds also like it’s trying to suck Musk off. “Look at how much money he has! That’s so important! It’s a lot more than Trump has!”
I had a very similar experience. Read about it. Mined a couple coins just to try it. Said “Well that’ll never go anywhere”. I think i still had them years later but by the time i remembered i couldn’t find where the wallet ended to. I think it’s gone, now.
The problem, i think, is that if they said that outright their workers might wise up and unionize or something.
Not only them. Everyone will suffer, including Trump (etc). The real fear is that one side “wins” and gets to do whatever they want.
Also the likelihood of it being winnable goes down a lot the moment Trump takes office. I don’t like it but i understand the decision. Still, we have to fight.
That’s probably fair…
This has gotta be Elon Musk, right? Nobody else is using that stupid phrase, right? RIGHT?
They aren’t oblivious, they’re just relying on the operation of our society and their personal and organizational power to protect them. They don’t give a fuck, and they don’t want to give a fuck.
He saw the problem but had no idea what to do for solutions and the ones society was feeding him (he didn’t come up with that on his own) are bullshit. But society won’t tell you about Baudrillard.
This is something people need to get better at seeing. If we want to reach these people we need to understand what’s happening when they say things like this. We also, ourselves, need to understand this stuff so we can speak intelligently about it. You know the media and powers that be never will.
You’re right, this is very destructive.
Who knows? But they can look like they’re doing something, at least.
Maybe interpol doesn’t know China is straight up kidnapping people of the street in foreign (non-China) countries? Maybe they want to do something about that?
Okay, then. Of course they’re prioritizing someone downloading some jpgs, why would i think differently?
The US is too good at destroying people’s reputation, yeah. This guy is gonna get vilified hard (whether he did it or not).
But if also a cornerstone. (For better and worse–it got and still gets used to excuse people who commit hate crimes, for example.)
It’s really shocking to me, from the US, that this is a compulsory fee and not a tax. It’s like they want people to hate and resent it. I guess it hurts poor people? IDK.