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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • I have been kick boxing for 3 years and I’m about to grade for my blue belt, I’m going to pick up some muay Thai as well soon which is very similar but adding in elbows and more clinching. I also did 3 years of karate reaching second green belt around 10 or so years ago. I stopped karate because I went travelling so couldn’t regularly visit the same gym to train.

    I do it for a combination of reasons. It helps keep me fit although I do a lot of other sports / weight training that all play a role in overall cross training. It keeps me flexible which is more and more important as you get older and I like to fight. Coming into training and letting out some aggression on some pads whilst working up a good sweat is a great cathartic release from the stresses of day to day life. I also enjoy the sparring a lot, it helps hone your reflexes and I don’t mind at all getting hit to condition yourself for that possibility. I’ll hopefully be competing in some inter club / amateur fights soon which I can’t wait for. You do also have some peace of mins that should you need to defend yourself in day to day life you are able to do that.

    Karate was a lot more ‘Zen’ in that the school I trained with didn’t do much sparring and was more concentrated on your technique and working through your katas. It builds up your body and technique as well as building up respect for your sensei and the other students you train with. It was a lot of fun and has given me a great basis with technique for moving onto kick boxing but I prefer kick boxing because it is a lot more aggressive. The training sessions are more intense physically and I want to spar and get hit etc, which isn’t for everyone.

    Every school will be different, even if they are teaching the same style of martial art, in the way they approach things. The way they teach and way they go about things but you will always find a good supportive group of people who aren’t out to hurt you intentionally and are invested in you training well and hard and supporting you.

    I wouldnt worry too much about your hearing, most things will be shouted at you and you can follow people around you if you get lost but I would recommend you give it a try if it is something you are interested in. If you go to a place where people aren’t respecting each other, their respective levels and their well being then leave and find yourself a better gym because I know they are out there. If you find a good one you can be part of a great community whilst pursuing fitness as well as a great skill.

    In terms of what you should do, that is down to personal choice. Maybe try a few different ones. Obviously some concentrate on one thing or another like judo is a lot of throwing, muay Thai a lot of striking etc, so try and figure out what you want from it and maybe try some classes to see if you like it! :)

  • Music I DJ with I mostly play the same genre of music so I have a few playlists for stuff that is outside of my normal genre.

    Then within the stuff I usually play I’ll have smart playlists for each key (using the Camelot system so 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B etc)

    I have a playlist for each month that has everything I have imported for that month of the year.

    Some smart playlists to filter out a specific BPM or BPM range.

    Playlists containing all the releases I have from specific labels in case I want to do a label only mix.

    A playlist containing all the acapellas I have (I don’t use a massive amount) so they are all in the same place to throw over the top of some other stuff if the feeling takes me.

    Then I also have some playlists that I will create off the cuff throwing in selected artists that I might want to play at a particular time to capture a certain feel or vibe, then usually they stick around and I come back to them occasionally.

    A preparation playlist which is a temp playlist where I’ll throw random stuff I want to play that day maybe. Like for example I might have like this months additions and marchs additions to my library so I’ll just throw both those playlists in the one preparation playlist to play from so they are all in one list.

    My music is organised in alphabetical folders within each folder I have a folder for each artist where all their releases go. If I start getting a lot of stuff from one label or end up buying a label discography I’ll make a folder for that label and remove any releases that might be in the individual artists folder and place it in the label one instead.

    Then I have one random folder that has a few genre specific folders inside where I collect music from artists that I might just have one or two tracks from so they don’t deserve their own artists folder.

    When I actually listen to music on Spotify I don’t use playlists. I want to listen to albums in the way they were intended, front to back usually, so I’ll usually just pick what ever album I want at the time. Occasionally if I want to delve into an unknown to me genre I might search out a playlist made by someone else to explore artists I don’t know to give me an idea of what I might want to then pursue listening to further.

  • Seen as you decided to add an edit that you were returning to Duolingo, what exactly is your goal because it certainly isn’t to effective learn any language.

    6 months ago you asked Lemmy for more effective alternatives to Duolingo and people gave you lots of alternatives that are a lot more effective including myself recommending Busuu and others recommending language transfer, both of which piss all over Duolingo which is utter trash.

    You make so many posts on Lemmy but then rarely actually interact with them further beyond the initial drivel you spout, when you do receive advice after asking for it it seems you just ignore it anyway so what is the point?

    Maybe it seems like I’m picking on you and honestly I am, purely because of things you said back in that early Duolingo thread you made, I’ll just go ahead and quote another of your gems from that thread.

    VanHalbgott - "Oh, there’s a new course on Busuu for French that I don’t like that deals with inclusive terms I’m probably not confortable talking about anymore since they deal with genders and sexuality.

    I’m trying to be a Christian instead and not talk about those things in my faith, but that doesn’t mean I’ll be learning what is supposed to be teaching me French with weird terminology."

    I hope going back to Duolingo they won’t have the audacity to teach you gendered words for Spanish, how could your faith possibly deal with that!?

    I hope this makes you uncomfortable to read, as uncomfortable as the first incredibles movie or the fact people use memes within the steam communities. People really are so inconsiderate and should really alter their way of being to appease you and your faith!

  • I started it earlier today and it is pretty nostalgic so far, I’m looking forward to putting some more time into it! Thanks for making me aware of its exsistence!

    I had a similar problem with CD players in my car jumping due to bass around 07, my solution was using a power inverter and a laptop running winamp with my whole CD collection ripped onto it propped up on my centre console xD

  • I do agree I loved it the way it was and think it worked very well I just don’t think it sold very well. I don’t think I met anyone else that was aware of it, let alone played it.

    I didn’t know there was a PSP version though, I might have to get a ROM of it and load it up onto my vita and give it a go! I’m guessing you would recommend giving it a try? ;P

    I do remember printing a load out for myself at the time when I realised it was possible but it could never replace the look and feel of real cards.

    I’m going to have a search tomorrow for my set actually now after having this comversation, just to see what I actually have and check it isn’t getting damp :D

  • I still have a set with the camera, playmat etc and loads of extra cards somewhere in storage and I haven’t owned a PS3 for years.

    It was by no means a perfect game but it was such a unique experience that I just loved.

    Imagine if someone made a modern version based around Magic the Gathering, YuGiOh or hell even pokemon TCG. Summoning your monsters and watching them attack. I’d eat that right up!

  • I don’t know if I would consider myself an “audiophile” but I do DJ for myself and like to have a decent set of speakers.

    I have owned a few pairs of KRK Rokit speakers and currently have a set of Rokit 6’s. I like them for their overall pretty neutral sound, ideally I would have a sub along with it but space is an issue for me right now so I can make do. They have a sufficient amount of bass for my small flat by themselves to be honest.

    I run them through my DJ controller (Traktor S4 mk3 if you care) and have run past pairs I’ve owned through other DJ controllers and basic focusrite USB audio interfaces.

    I wouldn’t say these are super high end but I find they offer a very good listening experience for not a great deal of money (I always buy second hand where I can), this set set me back around £160 if I remember correctly.