Keelah Se’lai.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I wouldn’t mind uniforms, if they weren’t like 3 times the price of regular clothes.
    My school sweater was a blue v-neck. But it had to have the school name and logo on it. So it was £50.
    If they’d just said, v-neck royal blue sweater and let people buy their own from whatever store, that’s fine. We had specific ties too, so if they just said we had to buy the ties from the school but the PE shorts/ netball skirts, football socks, polos and the school sweater should have been able to be purchased from any old store.

    I agree, non-uniform days were hell for me. I was the kid of the working class parent, and the emo/ goth kid. I didn’t own anything that wasn’t fitting of my aesthetic. So I got bullied badly. So I appreciated the uniform. But the prices are the issue. And school that demand girls wear skirts and not trousers, I have a huge issue with that. If girls want to wear trousers, it shouldn’t be an issue. It makes me question whether the people implementing the rules are just sexist, or sexist and pervvy.

  • Public schools here are insane. It’s like £50 for one sweater. And it’s got to have the school name/ logo on it. So you can’t just go and buy a generic sweater the same colour.
    And you’ve got to have at least 2, so when one is getting washed, you’d have one good to go.
    There’s black shoes, not trainers, but smart shoes.
    White shirts. Black pants/ skirts. Specific socks. £15 a tie, which is specifically in school colours so no going out to buy a cheap generic tie.
    Then there’s the PE kit that has to be bought from the school. £20 for shorts. £20 for the polo. £10 for football socks.

    Altogether when you’re done it’s around £300. Which, if you’re generally working class/ out of work, you’re fucked.
    My sweaters faded after half a year, so mum had to buy more. They’d of fit me the entire time, but she had to buy new ones pretty much every 6 months because they just faded in the wash. And that was in the 00s. My mum hates buying uniform for my younger sisters, apparently it’s crazy priced.
    Now schools here are doing blazers too, god knows how much they are.

  • I worked for them a few years ago.
    Try using a browser, if that doesn’t work, clear the cache and cookies and try again. If it still doesn’t work, try a different browser (the one they’d usually recommend was Firefox). If that doesn’t work, customer service should be able to remove it for you.

    The system is dumb, the security system is automated and did weird shit at times. One of the error codes in the document we had was labelled as ‘WTF happened?’
    So yeah. PayPal are kinda wang sometimes.

  • I worked for them. I’ve seen their list of error code reasons. Literally one of the error codes you could get was labelled as ‘WTF happened?’ on the list.
    ‘Too many buckets’ was another one, that one made me laugh tbh.
    But they literally have like a 12+ page document of error codes and what they mean. The system is pretty buggy.
    But generally our solution was, clear cache and cookies or try a different browser. It 75% of the time worked. If that didn’t work, customer service could remove cards for you.