Counterpoint: he’s controversial because of what he says and does, not because of lies people tell about him.
Counterpoint: he’s controversial because of what he says and does, not because of lies people tell about him.
I tried to explain this near the time of the event, back when I was on reddit. For this I received mass downvoting, and a universal consensus that misgendering is perfectly appropriate as long as the target has done something evil. Even from trans people. “We don’t claim her!”
It would be one thing if these same people also misgendered any given cis person who did wrong. But they don’t, and that double standard is transphobia. “Of course I would never misgender Hitler. He was AMAB. He earned it. You’re not AMAB? Then your right to be a man is contingent on your behavior. I’ll decide if you’ve been good enough to deserve it.”
We’ve got a long way to go culturally before people recognize that there is literally one and only one valid criterion for entitlement to a certain gender identity: claiming it.
I’ve got the daily low-dose version, and it’s changed my life. True to expectation from a dissociative drug, it causes me not to feel so much personal identification with the unwanted thoughts that keep bubbling up in my head. It may not work for everyone, but it works for me.
I’m so dreadfully sorry. I cannot help myself. Please forgive me.
It’s “zero kelvins” not “zero degrees Kelvin.”
The question was, “How do you deal with depression about climate change?” Maybe voting in local elections does that for you (singular), but it may not work for you (general).
Already doing that. No change in material conditions, still depressed. Next idea?
Well then it becomes a logistical question. How?
100mg of ketamine every day, half in the morning, half in the afternoon.
So your solution to depression about climate change is, “singlehandedly accomplish what all of the non-evil politicians have been trying and failing to do for decades, but do that while both powerless and depressed”?
Privacy Pass just randomly generated Prince Andrew and now my browser is all sweaty.
Please do bring facts. Then, cite your sources. You have sources, right?
… right?
Huh, I had always heard it as “turbulent priest,” but as I look it up, I realize there would obviously be multiple valid translations, cause Henry said it in French.
So we all agree there are exceptions to freedom of speech, like the proverbial person shouting “Fire!” in a crowded theater, right? But you think incitement to violence is fine as long as you say it with a tweet instead of with your mouth? What a loophole!
And this exact problem is a central theme of the superior Harry Potter story, Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality.
Tell that to Jorah.
But you have to understand, to 74 million people, the Fox News Cinematic Universe is reality. There’s regular bullshit, and then there’s bullshit so widely believed that you actually have to study the bullshit, just to be able to predict what its subscribers will do next. Like religion.