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Cake day: July 11th, 2023

  • “Things aren’t looking so golden for Tesla in the Golden State. Tesla’s dominance in the electric-vehicle market continues to falter as the brand reported its fifth consecutive quarterly registration decline,” California New Car Dealers Association said in a report published on Jan. 31.

    Emphasis mine, but the bad news is that the Model Y and 3 are still the highest-selling cars in the state - so there’s still plenty more room for those figures to fall:

    Still, the Model Y crossover continued to be the top-selling vehicle in the state, with about 129,000 units sold last year. The Model 3 sedan was a distant second, with around 53,000 cars delivered.

  • I’m not American either; I’m a progressive in a nation where our CONSERVATIVE party would be considered to the left of the DNC. So no BlueMAGA Liberalism here, which as an aside, is honestly is an even more tragic Reddit-ism - I wouldn’t be throwing stones in glass houses if I were you.

    But more-to-the-point, “Fuck around and find out” is a common saying particularly amongst more regional/rural locales, that I’ve appropriated for cause. For an example of how the GOP base commonly use phrases like this, listen to Jason Aldean’s “Try That in a Small Town”.

    There is no more effect left for me to cause; the Left failed to stop the existential threat that was Donald Trump, due to in-fighting, lack of motivation, and the lack of urgency necessary given the circumstances.

    You don’t get to vote for which “criminal” gets to bomb your family, just as much as I don’t. You’re right in the sense that your family would likely continue to be target for bombing in the near future regardless of the election, but truly ask yourself if you think progressives and leftists stand a better chance of enacting change now under Trump, than they would have under a milquetoast president like Harris.

    The phrase “the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” is apt; conservatives in the US have been building towards this since the 80s (and arguably even before that); slowly, but surely rolling back progress made since the post-War period and reappointing Robber Barons and Landed Gentry.

    This is also a lesson that leftists and progressives as a whole continue to struggle with; we bicker amongst each other - falling for the No True Scotsman fallacy - rather than working together and iterating through small, achievable victories towards a much larger goal. We demand a revolution which will never come, and instead shun small positive opportunities while the conservatives run rough-shod over the law, the environment, and the populace.

    This is largely all moot at this point, because I truly believe that 2024 was the last US election of any importance. The nation will not be able to withstand another four years of Trump-led onslaught, especially now with the backing of his own slew of oligarchs (Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg etc.).

    So maybe is nihilism, but it’s time for me (as a US politics tragic) to sit back, drink a beer, and enjoy the schadenfreude to come.

  • It’s not brow-beating anymore, to point out cause-and-effect; and honestly I couldn’t give fewer shits about what these people thought of me if I had chronic constipation.

    Y’all fucked around, now you get to find out the hard way. The world won’t magically become a utopia by refusing to fight, and you won’t be spared when your time comes.

    I’ll happily sit back and watch from my still (largely) functioning democracy the next ‘Fall of Rome’.

  • Finance laws, especially those related to the Citizens United case, are a massive hurdle.

    Until the Supreme Court can be reigned back to sanity - things will likely remain terrible, as a majority will be needed there to re-rule on Citizens United - along with Roe, restoring the Voting Rights Act and a whole heap of others!

    Just listing out those three made me physically ill; don’t let anyone who voted GOP, voted 3rd party, or refused to vote off the hook. They are all equally culpable for the slow death of democracy in the US. They are the ones that granted Trump THREE Supreme Court nominations in one term, and who knows how many more. The man is on track to likely appoint a MAJORITY to that court BY HIMSELF.

    He could very well declare himself King at that point, and the court would likely rubber stamp it.

  • At least in hindsight, it proves her wrong and that they can’t win without the unions?

    So like, maybe the DNC will be self-aware enough to reflect upon this and pivot back towards more progressive, worker-friendly policies rather than the neo-liberal garbage they’ve been espousing for the better part of the 2000s?

    I almost burst out laughing at the absurdity of the above, but in the words of Jim Carey’s character from Dumb and Dumber: “So you’re saying there’s a chance?”

  • I’m probably the wrong person to challenge, and an exception to the rule! 😅

    I drink ~4L (a gallon) of fluids daily; half of which is still/sparkling water, the other half being a mixture of coffee, tea, pre-workout, BCAAs, kombucha, soda, booze.

    It was a habit I picked up to help me get used to OMAD when I was cutting weight in the first couple of years of my diet, and is a habit that’s stuck with me since.

    I have to go to the bathroom often - which is a downside, but at least I never get a hangover after a night out drinking!

  • I mean, there’s nothing preventing people from drinking water as part of this diet…

    Hilariously enough, it’s really a very basic, boozy ketogenic diet.

    You’ll lose a lot of water-weight in the first few days regardless, as you deplete your glycogen stores; the caffeine, alcohol and lack of carbohydrates should help keep satiety (lack of hunger pangs).

  • While I mostly agree with your line of thinking, I do feel the urge to point out that most of the value of property is tied to the land underneath the structure, rather than the building itself.

    This is largely why one of those Sears catalogue 2-3 bedroom post-war homes is worth significantly more than a similar footprint modern apartment/townhouse a few doors down.

    The houses themselves are often seen as a depreciating asset; and for the more unscrupulous land-bankers, these fires just became free demolition.

    I guess what I’m saying is, shit’s even more fucked than you thought… and until we get rid of milquetoast liberal politicians and replace them with actual populist progressives globally, it will only continue to get worse.