Oh. I would be interested in that! A post/comment from you with the advice, requirements, medical advice pertaining to depression and adhd and a “laundry list of no-nos”. Please do say!
Oh. I would be interested in that! A post/comment from you with the advice, requirements, medical advice pertaining to depression and adhd and a “laundry list of no-nos”. Please do say!
Do you notice any advantage on journaling?
I have tried started journaling be never stick with it. I do it 1 day, 2 max, but then stop. I wonder if there are any proven benefits. In your anecdotal experience, do you recommend journaling?
You’d probably be chasing more of it.
So you made it and it was the right decision!
I don’t have an answer to you but if you like this sort of discussions/topics, I highly recommend the book Behave by Sapolsky.
Science. I find /r/science to be one of the best subs in reddit. Not perfect, but one of the best. It would be great if those with a science background moved to lemmy.
DDG has ads in the search result. Laginis honestly a great service. You can easily filter results and it removes BS SEO spam…
Damn. Thank you for being awesome.
Ahahah. Made me laugh. Thank you.
Hahaha. I hope this was just a joke and you are actually ok… But who am I kidding, existing is horrible.
Regardless, maybe if you stopped smoking you would feel better?
I have to start doing this… Saying I love you even when, or especially when, someone did something I did not like…
“I hated what you just did… It make me feel like crap. Still, I love you.”
Oh, I sometimes make my bathroom into sort of a sauna… I turn the heater, put a really scalding hot bath and just stay there, sweating my ass off, for like 2h. It’s great.
Getting home to dogs and feeling their attention and unconditional love must be great!
Psychedelics are… greatest thing I have ever done. Though I wouldn’t call them a ritual.
Really? I feel like they have worsen their numbers after disabling sms support. I had a few people with whom I could chat on signal. They all moved away. I now have 0 ppl. I still have it installed but ya…
This is honestly goals. I don’t have a partner but I dream of this. This is better than sex in my opinion.
I think signal is really only missing usernames (which should come soon) as far as features are concerned. And sadly, I don’t think it will change much. I think signals problem is not really feature wise but adoption wise.
Signal needs more marketing. It needs a bigger user base. And I honestly don’t know how to change that. Maybe some really top notch marketing strategy, with beautiful diagrams and text of some made up scenarios explaining the perils of using Instagram and whatsapp…
I hate complexity. A few years ago, I wanted to add some feature to some personal code of mine. But I just couldn’t figure out how to do that without rewriting a significant portion of it to allow for that. There was another feature (let’s call it feature 2) that just added so much complexity to the code that made things hard. I had an absolute stroke of genius: Just delete feature 2. This probably sounds stupid but I felt like a goddamn genius. Just deleting something solved all my problems.
Where can I get those icons?
Thank you for the in-depth reply!
I will give it another go!