Plot twist: you elder brother has been the lead KDE propagandist all along.
Plot twist: you elder brother has been the lead KDE propagandist all along.
I don’t know man, those tools - they seem rusty to me.
Aye, I can’t argue with that
I have read this a hundred times and it’s still as beautiful as the day I first read it.
Yesss let’s go.
I can finally die in peace.
Purely in technical terms, this meme doesn’t really fit unless they start running literally from the edge.
While and do while are equal except for the very first test. So if the very first test does not evaluate to false, they are essentially same. In the meme that implies they started running sometime before reaching the edge, that runs the “run()” atleast once and later on for every run it would be checked and it would be false at the cliff edge.
Right all we are missing now is videos in comments.
I remember reading this article from the Odin project.
Ah yes, late stage capitalism. Communism was the answer all along. /S
Edit: I love how evryone ignored /S for sarcasm. Just to clarify, yes I know communism is ideal on paper but doesn’t work in real life and yes, capitalism while having its flaws is the only alternate we have.
Wow that article was a ride. I feel so happy to not have used windows in the past 5 or so years.