Isn’t this exactly what negotiating with labor unions so workers have good quality of life was made to prevent?
More Americans will become terrorists, and it’s no surprise. They have nothing to loose.
Isn’t this exactly what negotiating with labor unions so workers have good quality of life was made to prevent?
More Americans will become terrorists, and it’s no surprise. They have nothing to loose.
I am going to start calling American children I want to silence “son of MAGA official” XD
spoiler: i don’t want to silence any children and i am against genocide, no matter who the victim group is, no matter who the perpetrator group is
The documentary can be see here: kalamullah.com/gaza-how-to-survive-a-warzone DOT html
Reason for the film’s removal TLDR narrator is son of a civil servant in Gaza Department of Agriculture. Racist genocide enthusiasts call this son of Hamas official. Aka genocide coverup
So why did the Super Bowl happen?
This is the real brain buster here 🤔🤔🤔 why **did ** it happen?
So how come the upper class in America is mostly white while the lower class is mostly black brown and indigenous? Is it because whites are… supreme?
Did you see any of the two teams of mostly black men protest Donald Trump?
No, you fucking didn’t. The problem isn’t white people
That’s exactly what you said.
Racism is not a problem of “other countries”, sounds like you just want to protect white supremacy. Tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if you genuinely believe that there is no difference in housing opportunity between races in the boomer generation.
why is in every single metric from wages, employment, health, education, and housing black and brown ppl currently are worse off then their white counter parts regardless of income and location.
Because whites are superior, remember? lmao
It’s good that whites go mask off with this “DON’T TALK ABOUT RACISM THERE IS NO RACISM IT’S SOMETHING ELSE COMPLETELY!!!1!” because that cognitive dissonance between what they see and what they believe should be a wakeup call, although segregation keeps them safe from seeing black social reality for the most part.
Of course I didn’t watch the super bowl and that’s about the single dumbest metric I’ve ever heard of. American football players didn’t protest Trump during the big game so that means racism doesn’t exist? In America?? You are so lost.
‘Most WHITE boomers don’t know what it’s like to work 40+ hours a week and still not be able to afford a house’ FTFY
People have been working 40+ hours a week for CENTURIES with no hope of affording a house. The housing that non-whites have been able to secure is always tenuous, subject to the racist whims of the ruling class. They could be rezoned, subject to a new law that strips them of their property, or even what happens in Palestine the racist ruling class just bulldozes your house with no compensation.
This is definitely not about Gen Z vs Boomers, but the ruling class wants you to think it is so we don’t unite and make heads roll.
Isn’t PLO the government of Palestina?