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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • I used to be an EMT (am going to be working as one again soon) and where I worked we had some good cops and some real shitty cops who had no business being cops, but one thing that they all had in common was that the rules were if someone asked for medical help, they had to call the ambulance. Didn’t matter if it looked like obvious bullshit, all the departments in the area I worked had a blanket policy that they weren’t medical professionals and they couldn’t make that decision. You could have a tiny little cut on your finger and ask for medical help and even the shittiest cops would sigh and call for EMS. These cops infuriate me. How many more people have to get murdered? If someone asks for help fucking help them and sort out the details later.

  • Chewy is amazing. Price is very consistent and customer service is scary good. I once ordered food for my cat while sitting eating dinner. The next morning at 6am I opened my door to go to work and literally tripped over my cats food. I still have no fucking clue how the hell it got to me so quick, it was 12ish hours. When I moved and switched my auto subscription their system flagged my change of address as fraud and emailed me to call customer service. I called at literally 3am (because I’m a freakish night owl) expecting to work my way through an automated system and the phone rang twice and a very cheerful person answered. I almost hung up in shock and then almost was the jerk calling at 3am asking “why are you answering the phone at 3am?”

  • Thank you! This is all good advice. I’ve never actually used a VM but will have to do more research on installing and using one. When you (and everyone else here) say shrink the partition from inside windows, do you mean from within the disk management software? I’m familiar with that, having added extra drives on my other computers. I actually have 3 computers, 2 laptops and a gaming rig I built, but they both have Nvidia GPUs and I’ve heard so many bad things about Nvidia and Linux and I don’t want my first Linux experience to be fighting it out with those. If I like Linux I’ll probably switch one of my other computers over to Linux either entirely or on one of the second drives (both my other computers have 2 different drives).

  • I noticed a few months ago that if I would put things in my cart and not order them right away, the price in my cart would jump a lot without notice, but the price on the page would stay the same. Like, I added something that was $30 to my cart, 2 days later it was $50 in my cart but the store page still showed the price as $30 and there wasnt the usual “an item in your cart changed price” message. I had to delete it from my cart and re-add it to get the price to drop. There was no deal, it wasn’t subscribe and save, nothing. This happened multiple times. I also had prime and couldn’t tell you the last time my shipping took less than 2 weeks, and I live near a city. I’ve since canceled prime and stopped ordering from Amazon unless I can’t find what I need elsewhere. Want to scam me, fuck you.

  • One of the men I’ve most respected and most trusted in my life told me once (at the time a teenager) that when he was in his 20s, women in their 20s were so hot and seeing a barely clothed young woman was so hot. But he said that now that he was in his 40s, women in his 40s were so hot and whenever he looked at a woman in her 20s all he could think of was that she could be his daughter and that he just felt protective and there was nothing hot or attractive about her.

    I’m a woman, but when I was in my teens and early 20s guys in their teens and early 20s seemed so attractive and anyone older was not it. Now that I’m in my early 30s I’m so attracted to men in their 30s and I look at teens and guys in their early 20s and they just seem like babies to me. I actually deal with a lot of young guys with my work and they’re all cool people and I love talking to them, but dating them? Ugh, no thank you. They were in elementary school (or younger) when I was graduating high school. So yeah, I think for a lot of people your goalposts move as you move, and that’s not a bad thing. I also am curious as to whether I’ll someday find 60 or 70 year old men hot, but I’ve got a long ways to go.

  • I feel like the Curad bandages I got in the stores always sucked, but I found different ones on Amazon (I know I know, I hate Amazon too) and they’re bigger in comparison to Bandaids, noticeably better quality, and stay on forever if you don’t pull them off.I’ve stuck one on and forgotten about it until over a week later when I realize its still on. I don’t know why they’re different than what I’ve always seen in the stores. I’m also wildly allergic to Band Aid brand adhesive to the point that I have scars shaped like bandages and I’m only very mildly allergic to whatever Curad uses.

  • I’m both a total skeptic who likes to debunk everything possible and also a firm believer that there are just some weird things in this world. I’ve had a bunch of odd experiences, this one is honestly one of the least creepiest but it’s weird because it happened in broad daylight when my brain was fully turned on, focused, and not in a state that you’d think I’d “make up” something.

    So anyway, back when I was an EMT on the ambulance, my partner and I got dispatched to respond to assist state police who were already on scene for a call. The address we were dispatched to was kind of a rural road, and there was a small cluster of houses, a business with a couple outbuildings, and a parking lot for the business in between. Dispatch told us ahead of time that the call was in the houses but per the state police we were supposed to come into the parking lot where they were parked.

    My partner is driving, I’m in the passenger seat navigating. It’s the middle of the day, broad daylight, and I wasn’t tired or stressed or anything. We get on scene and my partner pulls the ambulance into the parking lot and we’re both looking around to see where the police are. I catch movement from the outbuildings of the business and very distinctly see the face, upper torso, and right arm of a dark haired man in a dark blue long sleeved shirt casually lean out from between two of the outbuildings of the business, make eye contact with me, and wave his arm in the universal “over here” gesture before leaning back out of sight. I remember saying to my partner “hey, they’re over there, that’s weird, they were supposed to be at the houses not at the business, but whatever” just as a few things happened simultaneously. First, we both realized that the police cruisers were parked on the other side of the parking lot by the houses where they said they’d be, second, it hits me that state police in that state don’t wear dark blue, and third my partner pulled the ambulance to where I had seen the man wave and we both realized that no one was there. There was no possible way anyone could have disappeared that fast as the time from me seeing him to us pulling up was seconds and the outbuildings he had been between were both long with no doors or windows to enter and there was nothing on the ground between them that someone could have ducked under or behind.

    I was like ok, well that’s really odd because I definitely saw someone but anyway there’s no one there now so let’s proceed down to where the police actually are. My partner was weirded out and asked if I was feeling ok or seeing things and I had no idea what to say except that I was fine and had no explanation. That was years ago and I still think back to that and wonder wtf I saw because most spooky experiences you hear about are at night or in a creepy location but this was neither of those.