Pretty sure they can’t bundle it. AFAIK the libraries required for it ship with Chrome / Android and it’s not an open standard. The hacky weird workarounds are people brute forcing it.
Pretty sure they can’t bundle it. AFAIK the libraries required for it ship with Chrome / Android and it’s not an open standard. The hacky weird workarounds are people brute forcing it.
Have noticed this lately, and it absolutely sucks. I’m not a pirate, I just want to be able to purchase books (like I used to physically) and read them at my convenience offline or on any device I like. I’ve been sticking with services where I can do this currently or avoided purchasing those books when I can’t.
Last one I bought (it’s been a year and a half or so) I was able to use Calibre to decrypt it. I do believe the store page has to have a flag saying it’s a digital editions download. I don’t think all offer that IIRC
“Sourcemaps, what’s that?”
IMO I find it really useful in scenarios where you have a set condition that needs to be met (and can always be met so it’s not endless) and looping through to achieve it. I wrote a simple part calculation for a production company I worked for. Essentially while parts_needed < parts packed, pack qty 'x' of part 1, and qty 'x' of part 2
until all parts were filled to the correct amounts. Though it can be done with either / both I just find it more legible.
Have seen them in all of my regional banks in my area.