Cyberpunk chainmail breastplate
Cyberpunk chainmail breastplate
I thought Arch people are of the Subaru tribe
Just in case you weren’t aware, that Futurama episode was loosely based on a real life dog that waited for his master at the train station every day for years after the humans deathō?wprov=sfla1
They are too good for us and we don’t deserve them, but I’m glad we have them in our lives.
Came here to make a human steak joke but as usual, the community doesn’t disappoint.
Pretty much the worse “console” ever made. Any video on it will tell you all you need to know. I wouldn’t buy it for a penny today if someone offered.
All Corgis are bastards
Even the original LCD deck was easily eligible for this little list but the OLED went above and beyond in every way. I have a beefy PC for desktop gaming but I still prefer to play on the deck OLED because it’s just an amazing experience.
Lollipop in my ass