Mine was for credit monitoring. You should be able to freeze your credit for free at any time
Mine was for credit monitoring. You should be able to freeze your credit for free at any time
Isn’t this basically what r/lounge is?
I used to go there, it wasn’t that cool
Eli5 How can 1 judge throw out a decision from a jury? Shouldn’t you at least need another jury?
Knew people that worked here, most people inside didn’t know either until one day it all came down. Seemed like a really good opportunity at the time. But in 2021 everything seemed like a good opportunity.
Lol I actually had to check to make sure this wasn’t published on April 1st. Missed joke opportunity, this is hilarious
4 dings = 2 slams = 1 blast
At least this is my understanding
Only 50 more years till she’ll be considered
Unless maybe biden threatens to use his immunity
Anyone can trade options. See https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/putoption.asp
This is very risky though, I wouldn’t recommend doing this without some training and research.
I’m Not a financial advisor
You could buy options
So I have T-Mobile in a major city. Whenever my ISP goes down, my normally fast 5G slows to a crawl due to the increased load. So it seems like when you need this the most is when youd get the worst performance.
I find that LLM powered autocomplete when programming makes me more productive.
Occasionally I’ll use a chatbot to help me reword an email or other text, though this is rare.
This diagram seems wrong to me. Isn’t the second image a squash merge? Also why would rebasing a feature branch change main?
On Android you need to opt in to notifications for every app you install. Just opt out :)
Or, be like me and keep your phone on do not disturb(except calls from contacts). Doing this was one of the most significant quality of life improvements for me over the last few years.
Id be surprised if there wasn’t basic encryption to prevent a man in the middle attack like you described.
In the article the talk about needing to install certs to read encrypted traffic from the app.
The problem is getting other people to also use those apps :(
Who cares, they’re all bots