But what is the word for “knowing what the user wants, blatantly ignoring it and imposing the companies will anyway”?
I’ve been staring at it for five minutes, and I can’t get it to not resolve.
Reschedule? Is it not at 4:20 anymore?
“We need to cut down the insane cycle of churning through personal electronics”
Translation: We need to slow down the pace of innovation!
Yep, and just give them a quick flick at the end to shake off any remaining droplets. Then they’ll dry quickly.
Boutros Boutros-Ghali
It’s adult night at the skating rink tonight and I’m going 🛼
For the past year my workout has simply been roller skating. And yes, it is joyous every time!
Most LLMs support this. You just have to enable Jive mode.