I’m glad you confirmed that, but I’d be utterly surprised if it was any other reason.
I’m glad you confirmed that, but I’d be utterly surprised if it was any other reason.
I would not have posted this. The long dick of the law makes an echidna’s look normal.
They’d name it Microsoft Windows Deprecation Maker 2024 Enterprise 11 though.
This is Lemmy.
If you want to do all that performative reddit bullshit for attention, go back there and do it. No one will stop you.
This is some text book projection. Maybe talk to a professional about it. And yeah, you probably should stay away from cartoons and kids until you get these repressed urges figured out.
woah, who the fuck is talking about kids?
Some of the oldest porn is cartoons scratched into rocks, get off your golden age of porn high horse, or get off with it if that’s your thing.
if you’re actually interested, even the considerable powers granted in a state of emergency are defined by laws passed by Congress:
Battlefield Earth
I don’t know if that’s a typo, but “cheey” is a delightfully terrible name that I am stealing.
Um, no? In case you forgot, he championed a reform bill that got killed by Republicans:
It seems very likely that this uncharacteristically conservative move was calculated to produce these results. The house won’t pass any pro immigration laws, so letting the SC strike this down would let the administration essentially leave things where they were and say “can’t do anything else oh well”, effectively removing the topic from election discourse and putting the ball firmly in the Republican court, who won’t be able to get anything past the Senate.
haha no source, just a dumb joke.
Japan: Checkmate
:: Reveals 10X more laws regulating game consoles ::
They could replace the skin with foam board, but all that weight savings would just let them reduce the battery to save more on the manufacturing costs.
FYI, it only weighs about 400lbs more than the F150 Lightning, so the skin probably doesn’t add much weight over a traditional truck skin. The four wheel steering tech and glass roof probably add more.
It’s funny, the world was excited for basically a teched out Toyota Tundra with shitloads of battery. The designers were ready to build that, and they could have kept literally everything else the same (steer by wire, steel skin, glass, bed cover, etc) and everyone would have been happy.
Even looking weird people were excited for it.
But then they deleted half the range and doubled the price and ::pikachu face:: everyone hates it.
Sure, musk was the reason it looks weird, but I’d be willing to bet he’s 100% the reason for those other things too, because they likely had to cut weight and size to make it’s weird look physical possible.
(I’d still buy it if it had 500+ range)
Ah, so he boofed it.
What you’ve never put a scissor handled blunt right up your ass before? (Look at the kid top middle in the background)
There’s an earlier bit that complements that nicely: