The noodle man

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • I’d like to see people give less of a shit what other men wear.

    Fashion might be the most consumerist addiction we have in the world and fast fashion is wreaking terrible damage. Any creativity is lost to brand addiction and trend chasing. Don’t even get me started on advertising!

    Clothes serve a utility, but fashion is the capitalisation of envy and materisalism. Wear monochrome if you want. Wear pink if you want. Just don’t kill the planet in the name of “fashion”.

  • No, you’re correct. Service accounts can consume data way faster than a human user ever could. A smart business always implements rate limits or you could bankrupt them with a simple curl command. They could bankrupt themselves in testing with a simple loop!

    This can be fixed in many ways, not just by putting limitations on credentials but also on source addresses. If a certain address or range of addresses seems to be running multiple service accounts and pulling huge amounts of data, you can deny requests from those IP’s.

    In short, this AI angle smells like BS to save face. Musk effectively fired the SRE team who looked after critical infrastructure. It was their job to ensure service reliability, so it should not be a surprise that Twitter now has issues with service reliability.

  • Almost certainly this isn’t anything to do with scraping. Like with Reddit, those with a stake in Twitter stand to benefit from AI and, as far as I know, there’s no mass reposting (retweeting?) effort to something like Mastodon.

    That would be trivial to block anyway, since it would be easy to identity the service accounts and source IP’s of the requests. No need to impact average users.

    What’s more likely is he hasn’t paid the bill for his cloud infrastructure and no longer has the capacity to serve so many users.

    IMO, that’s what you get when you fire half of your staff.