The uncertainty is by Design
The uncertainty is by Design
They’re going to shut down the department education, they’re going to stop all federal funding.
No I can’t. That’s why I said it. Cheapest eggs in my area are $6 now.
Somewhere out there must still be super cheap to be pushing the average down to five
Man that third one was such a mess too. I don’t understand how they fucked up so bad.
Somewhere there’s a cabal of dentists sitting around a table in a dark and shadowy room cackling madly
20’s been standard for me for like 20 years
It’s so easy to talk Trump into saying believing and doing stupid things. I mean you have to think at some point they’re going to start fucking with him right? Course they probably already have with shit like this and blowing up hurricanes and drinking bleach and all that stuff, but I wonder what else they could get him to believe and say. Like how far could they trick this senile old man into going? What do you think the funniest thing you could get Trump to say on TV is?
Not even close
What do you want to bet it gets canceled the last minute so SpaceX can do it, or rather fail to do it.
I dont know who told you leftists don’t like guns, we like guns plenty. It’s liberals who don’t like guns. Us leftists know sometimes you got to throw a bomb into the carriage of a tzar. We leftists knowwhen you go on strike you should bring a gun with you, cuz the Liberals going to try to use the National Guard to murder you.
He’s also not fast enough or coherent enough to respond to it anymore. I think you can cow him. Because I imagine that’s what his handlers do every day. He’s used to submitting.
I’m curious if this is going to be the way leaders treat Trump going forward. And by curious I mean hopeful. Because that debacle in the Oval Office when Elon Musk completely owned him I think has made it clear that powerful people can dominate this man fairly easily. The guy who used to terrorize people in 2016 on the debate stage is gone. He’s a dotering old man who doesn’t even know where he is half the time. Interviews like this with other world leaders should be able to dominate the conversation fairly easily.
If the devs say it up front then how does reporting it hurt them? It’s just accurate.
I mean honestly why even have anyone at all? All you need is just like one intern with a camcorder who can sit there and read the Trump press announcements. Boom all done.