20s ADHDer, lesbian, 🌱, she/her

Certified Zoomer.

I use Arch (btw)

Master of jack, trades of all none—or however that saying goes, I don’t remember.

Supposed radical vegan extremist. Kinda based


  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • You’re not even a regular poster here.

    I didn’t think this community was this quick to gatekeep. I’ve seen them comment here before, but gatekeeping someone’s opinion based on how much they post here is absurd.

    but when a new poster pops by with a vague pro-palestine message I assume you’re not interested in this community and simply looking to spread your message.

    And what would that message be? Genocide bad? I’m not a new poster here and if I comment a pro-palestine message would you assume the same? It’s disheartening to see this thread have so many downvotes and this argument, almost so much as the MSO’s statement the other day.