It means they are preparing to launch the remake on PC /s
Which you can get without the same screening process for buying an actual gun.
Oligarch warns of oligarchy
IIRC Legal Eagle is suing on the side of retailers that have been harmed by the plugin, while this one is more on the side of consumers. They still might end up combined.
My mother-in-law was super dependent on my wife for everything related to technology. Banking apps, netflix, sending and receiving money, anything related to the government she had her do it. Then we moved a few states away. We came for a visit a few months ago and guess what? She manages to do it all by herself now. Even calling an uber or finding the cat videos she likes she was able to do herself now.
The point being: she doesn’t want to and won’t learn because she has someone to do it for her. Since you can’t make her do it, then you just have to accept it unfortunately.
They made an actual reality show competition with prizing based on squid game. It’s all just aesthetics to these people.
The very generic message makes me inclined to think so too
TIL people actually look at what the aisle sign
It’s okay because he is on the side of the empire
There are two types of friends, this is the second type.
I bet the price of that console was going to break their bank.
Let’s be honest here, they only care because when someone inevitably fucks up, people will think the fault is with windows.
It’s crazy to think that the level of border control we have today would be unfathomable to someone even 100 years ago. If we go a bit earlier, how could you even ID someone without photographs?
It’s true that a big slice of gamers play games with anti-cheat solutions that don’t work on linux. That said most of those aren’t even on steam, which is the biggest pc game marketplace, so I’m not sure it’s that big of a dealbreaker for that many people.
He’s not richer than the other guy so he’d be in jail either way
Whistleblowers dying is not unintended…
Tech can’t solve problems humans created.
The crimes of the US empire dwarf anything you bring up on any “authoritarian” countries that are curiously always enemies of the US. No complaints on Myanmar here no sir!
It’s about xpntrolling the narrative. Tiktok is one of the few (if not the only one) popular social media apps that doesn’t censor everything that the US government decides. Just look at how much Palestine stuff goea around there compared to anywhere else.
I logged in on the browser and I can see yours, I think it’s something with Sync