The carelessness. Mac OS is far from perfect, but it just happily chugs along. Linux often creates problems by just existing for too long. It’s gotten much much better, but it’s still not good.
The carelessness. Mac OS is far from perfect, but it just happily chugs along. Linux often creates problems by just existing for too long. It’s gotten much much better, but it’s still not good.
Wrote it before, and I’m not the author, but: conservatives stop thinking if they like the current result.
And that’s actually part of the problem: your title doesn’t mean anything.
Not that you’re not leading, but what “lead” or “senior” actually means is completely arbitrary.
In one project I’m lead in, I wrote maybe 5 lines of actual code, because I was in meetings, wrote documentation, did release management (well, I wrote pipelines here, but that’s like 200 lines), etc. The actual leg work was done by 4 or five other guys.
But in another project, I’m lead of myself and another bloke, of course I’m writing code in that one.
So it’s completely possible to have a bunch of guys with the “developer” tag on their title, but they’re not doing much developing.
That’s the thing: You can’t know that.
We don’t know what was meant, we don’t know what happened.
So the autistic insistence on nitpicky details adds zero clarity to anything. It’s inherently unknowable.
The “correct” term is the one the target audience understands to mean what is happening.
The “difference”, again, is academic. They are de facto used interchangeably. Did the author know the difference? No idea. Could anyone tell, which group the people in question belong to? Probably not.
So what exactly are you trying to achieve here?
Actually watch the video, you’re way too generous in your analysis.
The metric is essentially lines of code. That’s it.
So everyone who isn’t hacking away ultra verbose code is considered useless. Lead devs and architects often don’t write any code at all. They’re not unproductive.
Statistically speaking, a few of them definitely fucked up at some point and accidentally did the right thing. Or committed suicide.
And you really think people use and understand these terms like that?
You may be correct in the academic sense, but completely wrong in all other senses.
At least Jesus is safe from burglary then.
Palliativmedizin ist so ein seltsames Konzept.
Jeder weiß, dass die Patienten in sehr absehbarer Zukunft sterben werden und anstatt irgendwas dagegen zu machen, werden sie bewusstlos gespritzt, damit es etwas erträglicher wird. Aber wenn man das unabwendbare beschleunigt, ist man Mörder.
My thoughts exactly.
I think this video gets flak, because (in your scenario) not you and your coworker made a video about having fun, but your boss made you come to the otherwise empty office to act like you’re having fun and use that as advertisement.
I feel like you misunderstood my point. Maybe on purpose, like apparently is tradition in these fields.
I never even implied “no care”, I’m talking about puberty blockers and hormone treatment. These are irreversible changes. And without knowing, who they “truly are” you can’t know, whether hormones are the right way to go. Damaging a trans kid by not treating is shite, but damaging a cis kid by treating it is also shite. And a doctor basically has to decide which of these risks to take - which is hard without proper data.
Read your sources again.
The first study is about adults, not children. The pediatrics talk about banning care all together. Both address exactly not my point.
First off, there is absolutely zero surgeries being performed on minors. This is not happening. What is happening is puberty blockers and hormone replacement therapy, both of which are non-permanent
I never implied surgery. And “non-permanent” is a euphemism. Blocking puberty for years can lead to permanent problems - like infertility.
Actually, your entire comment kind of proves my point: there isn’t research about how kids think and care ten years later.
As a trans person myself, I need you to understand that reticence by the cis population is dangerous for the trans population
And you need to understand, that finding out, whether a kid is part of that population is exactly the hard part.
What I seriously can’t estimate is, how persistent is gender identification in youths?
I mean, children and teenagers are generally idiots (I certainly was). As far as I know, there’s no physiological test to determine trans identity, so an outside observer has a really hard time distinguishing real and “fake” trans identity. I’m not even talking about willful deceit, but just the general instability of kids.
So, I can understand that people are hesitant to allow gender affirming care, because they fear they might do more harm than good. Especially if you’re somewhat older, all those trans issues must seem like a new trend, I certainly didn’t hear much about them 10 years ago. Unless there’s something like a proper scientific guideline, all judges and doctors are basically forced to judge themselves and will probably stick to the “old ways”.
As always: further research is needed.
Yeah, but that’s the thing: it’s not fast. And that’s actually even more baffling.
All those rewrites cost money. All the shoddy software somewhere in the background of every corporation was written using these shitty libraries, frameworks, APIs. And that means cost.
I’m explicitly not talking about the newest crap Amazon or Google push, they operate under different principles, I’m talking about the data plumbing stuff. The eight billion Spring Boot apps, the PHP sites, the Python pipelines.
Writing and deploying a simple CRUD app, that just takes data from a request and saves it into a DB should be done in a few minutes. The actual “payload” is just input schema, DB schema, transformation rules, maybe auth. That’s it. However, if you want to do that in Spring Boot and K8s, it takes often hours or days to get everything right. Not because Spring Boot is hard, but because you forget a network policy in Helm or the dateformat between JSON/Java/DB is different or that library is outdated or there’s CVE somewhere or you have to look up that shitty mappedBy thingy from Hibernate again (that’s maybe just my problem, I can’t remember that crap) etc. etc. etc.
The basic problem behind is, that we have to take care of so much. Network, business logic, framework detail. You have hardly any layer or platform that is really solid.
Honestly, I would advocate the exact opposite.
Yes, programs became bloated and fragile, but the solution cannot be to return to the stone age, but be professionals for once.
Our entire industry is shit at actually engineering. There’s leaky abstractions everywhere, and that’s exactly why everything is so complicated and brittle. There’s no platform to build upon, only a scaffolding made of twigs, duct tape and three bananas for some reason. Every minor change in some minor library percolates through the entire stack.
You’re a simple developer, so am I. And we both probably wrote hundreds of apps that essentially do the same crud crap again and again and again. The same basic functionality gets implemented thousands of times, because we can’t get our shit together to build actually reusable components. Instead we rewrite the 12th iteration of “make stuff move in browser” and “make Java do business”.
We’re not engineers, we’re children with hot glue guns.
Usable quantum computers are just around the corner, just as nuclear fusion and world peace.
Debian takes a few clicks and you have a working desktop.
I already thought about that, but never really could justify switching.
I would argue, though, that it’s not customization, but rather packages themselves changing over time and sometimes just break.
And sometimes you have crap like a full boot partition, because apt decided to keep all Linux versions for some reason.