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Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • Pull up in a white van with no or blackened windows and offer them candy. Oh and make sure “Free candy” is scratched in on the sides of the van. Wouldn’t want people getting the wrong idea…

    Now for the serious advice, don’t do dumb jokes like the one above. Kids need honesty. Screwing around for shits and giggles is always a bad idea around them.

  • It really is that simple. But simple doesn’t make it easy.

    Simple stuff is often the hardest to succeed in. Sure, you can do it, but can you do it well? Repeatedly? Over a long period of time?

    Doesn’t sound so simple anymore. But that’s because the simplicity is a starting point. You build on it, make a foundation you can depend on and fall back to when things go wrong.

    Going outside or exercising are simple things, but make no mistake, they’re also a lifestyle. They become a part of who you are, something to cherish, protect and develop that you dedicate a part of each day to. And that’s not an easy thing to do. But once you do it, you’ll know it was worth the hard work.

  • thought must be influenced by some level of internal stimulation, as you can deprive your senses and still think. Likewise, before you have the capability of memory, you are not conscious, it is simply impossible. Consciousness is directly tied to the ability to remember. Thusly it must be some mix of the two, life experiences, and remembered experiences.

    Isn’t the internal stimulation just the nervous system zapping things to get a response? And doesn’t that need a trigger to get it going?

    Anyway, I feel like I’m heading into contested territory here, but I gotta ask. At which point can we consider babies as conscious?

    Most people will claim their earliest memory is at the age of 4 or 5 years old. So that time is probably considered as the general start of conscious identity. Yet some have reported that simulating the conditions in a womb such as sleeping in a fetal position or floating aimlessly within a larger body of water will grant them an instinctual sense of serenity. So it can be argued that at some level, we remember our time in the womb, even though we are not able to recall it directly.

    And I’ve seen babies aged around 1-2 years old trying (unsuccessfully) to hide from their parents in order to attempt an action that had been forbidden several times before.

    How early does our capability to store memory actually start? And at which point will the amount of stored and remembered experience be enough to count as consciousness?

  • Wait until you’re of legal age, campaign to make it legal earlier, go to a lawyer that works pro-bono and have them sue your parents for not respecting your rights as a free-willed individual.

    If your aren’t willing to fight for it, then is it really something you can call a defining trait? If the others aren’t willing to fight for it with you, then is it really something worth enforced?

    Going after one teacher doesn’t solve the problem itself. It’s just a skin deep plaster that hides the infected wound below. Fix the wound, don’t just pretty it up.