The plastic producers were the ones pushing the grift and controlling the narrative/studies, just like what was done with fossil fuels and climate change (certainly a trend here with the oil industry).
Additionally, they’re the ones that directly benefitted the most so it makes sense to go after their fraudulent gains.
I’m all for being critical of municipalities and elected officials, but the solution is not to bankrupt cities or state/federal funds through litigation. The focus should be on the producers. Go to the top of the chain/follow the money.
Edit: To your point about news conglomerates, that seems more viable and they certainly need better incentives and regulation.
Oh, totally, the portion I was speaking to was the issue of local news being owned by news conglomerates so that’s where I see the grift coming from, mostly
And if we hold people personally liable, I’m more on board with that. I just would not touch taxpayer dollars for municipal, state, or federal funds with these suits.