Usually about once in incident every 90 seconds. That’s why we have to only talk about “mass” shootings, as if you count incidents with fewer than 3 victims it becomes unmanageable.
0 funk
Usually about once in incident every 90 seconds. That’s why we have to only talk about “mass” shootings, as if you count incidents with fewer than 3 victims it becomes unmanageable.
because it was already installed
SFDC itself is written in Java but uses Javascript-esque APEX for whitelabel development?
6! hours? An entire month?
I was looking for this. every single time I type something on my phone I wish I had a blackberry still
hashtag-not-an-engineer-but The vast majority of products you can just pull the LED. Don’t resolder, just pull it out. If it goes badly, you can either just put it back, or replace with a "non-LE-"diode of the same spec.
people found information for hundreds of years before reddit and will for hundreds of years after.
yeah, it’s for buying secret Christmas presents for your wife
I agree. I have it turned off for now because it was dumb seeing stupid porn, but I don’t mind reading about other adult topics, and self-tagging NSFW stuff is obviously capriciously applied. What would be inappropriate to some is not to others. It would be nice to be able to control that more granularly.
I guess disaster movies are right, we do go straight to hell real quick.
Data has an ambition to learn to be human and chooses to love a cat. It’s important when, later, he has to prove he is sentient in court.
I have this card.
I’m an immigrant to the US by way of marriage. When I moved here we opened an account at chase where my now wife banks - a joint for us both and one for me.
When faced with having three near identical blue cards I asked if there was any option other than blue
Imagine my face when I heard possibly the most American phrase I’ve ever heard: “You can have the brand colors, or Disney”