Well… I’m using pidgin right now.
Well… I’m using pidgin right now.
Thank you for explaining this concept. I still don’t see how it can be considered planned obsolescence, though. It looks more like a matter of optimizing the output and doing a tradeoff for more performance.
I see planned obsolescence as artificially limiting the longevity or repairability of a product, without any benefit at all, but with the intention of making it less durable. A good example could be locked smartphones without updates.
But perhaps, the definition of planned obsolescence is broader than i think.
but to actually provide a compromise leading to an overall better product.
Could you elaborate a bit more on that?
Whoa, I didn’t know tiktok was so popular. it’s like 1/8 of the entire world population, and considering that only about 70% of the world has internet access, it’s like 18% of all internet users.
Or are lots of these bot accounts, like other social media, and the real numbers are lower?
Foldable phone will always be either more expensive, less durable, or both, so it’s a no go for me, as much as I like the idea.
No, but they accepted to publish political fake news ads for one of the running parties (the fascistoid one, of course) in the last elections here in Brazil.
That party has lost, but it was too close. In the 4 last years, during their mandate, hunger, violence, discrimination rape, and other problems rose to the highest levels in the century.
Google and other big tech companies have been influencing elections in a lot of places, and the consequences are enormous.
People also have that tendency to personify AIs. I don’t really understand why.
Would be even better if we did our own on lemmy.
Looks like your boxes will soon need to meet a new antarctic friend.
8GB minimum RAM is a lot of requirement for an OS. It makes Microsoft look like they have forgotten what an OS is supposed to be doing.
I wonder if they have plans for the developing countries, or if they will support windows 10 for much longer, because, if they expect most of us to meet the minimum specs, they’re crazy.
When you get your tablet ready for usage, you definitely need to post here, so we will know the conclusion of your saga :D
You made a great point. This is exactly my issue with piracy. I believe it’s a movement in the wrong direction, because it actually benefits the big media in the end.
Sorry, I was trying to make a joke, but didn’t work well, apparently.
By the way, I’ve heard about that case. It was very interesting to see how people are trying to use chatgpt, despite all warnings that it can provide false data.
Yes, it’s possible. This link has a list of desktop distros supporting kde mobile at the bottom of the page: https://plasma-mobile.org/get/
Hold on, piracy isn’t necessarily not caring about copyright, but can be (and is, in a lot of cases), about fighting against the big corporations who take advantage of historically abusive copyright laws to dominate the market and prevent small authors and companies from surviving.
These AI companies, despite being copyright violators, are much closer to the big IP monopolists than the small authors, which are victims of both groups.
Are you saying that, technically, chatgpt is constructing legal cases against itself?
I both agree and disagree. We know how to put a custom rom on it, but most users need to rely on the manufacturer for updates, so it’s important to have such support available.
Interesting, because plasma mobile is designed for phones. The linux mobile ecosystem is still too immature, unfortunately.
Did you have any luck so far with some os and gui combination?
Too bad :(
I looked at your other comments. You had problems with kde, but did you use the standard desktop kde or plasma mobile? If you didn’t try it, I’d suggest giving plasma mobile a shot.
Another suggestion is to use a distro with wayland, so you can run waydroid and have the option to use android apps.
5 years already? Shit, I’m old.