I have a super Mario world cart that has retained its save data. 20 years old now…pretty nuts
The author of this post, Cory Doctorow, literally coined the term “enshittification” in a prior blog post. I think he of all people is allowed to continue talking about the topic as much as he wants.
Just didn’t have “machine learning” on top
You do realize that the mask doesn’t really protect you, it mostly protects others from getting sick from any diseases you might be carrying. So masking only makes sense if you’re sick, not to prevent yourself from getting sick.
It’s a modern Escape Velocity and captures the feel of those games very very well.
Well, I mean SOME people have to reproduce at least…
When a program crashed in OS 7/8/9, it would often take down your whole system due to lack of memory protection. Also setting max RAM for each application one by one was tedious and annoying. While I wasn’t a huge fan of the skeuomorphic bubbly OS X interface, I was ecstatic to leave all that memory management nonsense behind.
Write NaN to destroy your classmates
Deboned chicken would make everyone happy but I guess that’s too logical
Yeah uh let me just put in my 512GB ram stick…
Honestly who the fuck cares. Some random people maybe started a chant at a political rally, candidate smiles…the fuck is this “news” story?
Then pay a premium for the privacy, which Apple actually tries to give you (unlike Google)
How else you gonna fill up your horse?
Honestly if Trump loses I expect maybe a Jan 6 level event but no broad violence from his army of couch potatoes. And Jan 6 level event is less likely just given that now the govt should be better prepared for it…
Being able to report the temperature is way too useful for a useless steel block. I’d pay $10/month for a block that truly does nothing.
Reddit’s megathread on this is already broken. Just goes to show how terrible it is, you’d think after all this time they’d figure out how to run a website…
You mean she does…
Fuck this badly written article for making me want to defend Alex Jones
Man, France has the worst case of hemorrhoids I’ve ever seen