I like to code, garden and tinker

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: February 9th, 2024


  • Just the act of refusing makes the act of seizing your phone legal or not. If you legally give them your phone by your own will, they are able to use all evidence they find in the courts. If you deny to give them your phone, and they seize it anyways and access it you have a valid path to throw the evidence they discover out as an illegal search and seizure of your property. I’m not a lawyer but that is the general thought process on denying them access to your property.

    Edit: Just want to say this mostly pretains to United States law and similar legal structures. This advice is not applicable everywhere and you should research your countries rights and legal protections.

  • I personally rather trust that my device isn’t able to be unlocked without my permission, rather than hope I am able to do some action to disable it in certain situations. The availability of such features is nice, but I would assume I would be incapable of performing such actions in the moment.

    My other thought is, how guilty is one perceived if they immediately attempt to lock their phones in such a matter, by a jury of their peers? I rather go the deniability route of I didn’t want to share my passcode vs I locked my phone down cause the cops were grabbing me.

  • I would agree on the investigation ensuring everything was done diligently and to protocol. I don’t think it’s some international political issue that the US is waging on it, just that they are an individual traveling to be euthanized it might be seen as murder in the individuals native courts. The United States still having issues letting people go state to state for treatment, let alone internationally, causes me pause in such situations.

    I’ll be the first to admit I have no real knowledge on the laws that apply here but the United States has been known to inject themselves into other nations matters regularly. This is again just opinion and no way substantiated by anything tangible.

    Edit: To add to this, this MSN article seems to give additional information. Specifically, the following quotes:

    The American woman who became the first person to take her own life in the new “suicide pod” in Switzerland was given a chilling command by the morbid machine before she took her last breaths.

    “If you want to die, press this button,” the machine said, according to the AFP.

    So most likely this is due to being the first incident of voluntary euthanasia being legally done in Switzerland, and ensuring the legality of such procedures via precedent for future such cases.

  • From the article:

    Police in the canton of Schaffhausen, in northern Switzerland, confirmed the arrests, while the public prosecutors’ office confirmed it had opened an investigation into suspected incitement and aiding and abetting of suicide.

    The person who died was reportedly a 64-year-old American woman. Switzerland is one of the few countries in the world where assisted suicide is legal, under certain conditions.

    But the article does state that the interior minister does question the morality and legality of the device:

    Switzerland’s interior minister, Élisabeth Baume-Schneider, questioned the moral and legal status of the Sarco Pod, a device that is designed to allow a person inside to push a button that injects nitrogen gas into the sealed chamber.

    It’s hard to say why the arrests happened without more details, but I’d suspect the nationality of the individual may play a role.

  • My question would be, why do you need a more powerful server? Are you monitoring your load and seeing it’s overloaded often? Are you just looking to be able to hook more drives to it? Do you need to re-encode video on the fly for other devices? Giving some more details would help someone to give a more insightful answer. I personally am using a Raspberry Pi 4, Chromebox w/ an i7, an old HP rack server, and an old desktop PC for my self hosting needs, as this is cheaper than buying all new hardware (though the electricity bill isn’t the greatest haha, but oh well). If you are just looking for more storage, using the USB 3.0 slots on the Raspberry Pi 4b you can add a couple extra SSDs using a NVMe to USB 3.0 enclosure. For most purposes the speeds will be fine for most applications.

    As for SSD vs HDD, SSD hands down. The only reason you’d pick an HDD is if your trying to get more storage cheaper and don’t mind a higher rate of failure. If your data is at all valuable, and it almost always is, redundancy should be added as well.

    And as for running Linux, if it can’t run Linux I wouldn’t want to own it.

    Edit: Fixed typo

  • This might help, sorry if it doesn’t, but here is a link to CloudFlares 5xx error code page on error 521. If you’ve done everything in the resolution list your ISP might be actively blocking you from hosting websites, as it is generally against the ISPs ToS to do such on residential service lines. This is why I personally rent a VPS and have a wireguard VPN setup to host from the VPN, which is basically just a roll your own version of Tailscale using any VPS provider. This way you don’t need to expose anything via your ISPs router/WAN and they can’t see what you are sending or which ports you are sending on (other than the encrypted VPN traffic to your VPS of course).

  • I’ve never ran this program, but skimmed the documentation. You should be able to use the SHIORI_DIR (or a custom database table following those instructions) along with the -p argument for launching the web interface. A simple bash script that should work:

    export SHIORI_DIR=/path/to/shiori-data-dir
    shiori serve -p 8081

    To run multiple versions, I’d suggest setting up each instance as a service on your machine in case of reboots and/or crashes.

    Now for serving them, you have two options. The first is just let the users connect to the port directly, but this is generally not done for outward facing services (not that you can’t). The second is to setup a reverse proxy and route the traffic through subdomains or subpaths. Nginx is my go-to solution for this. I’ve also heard good things about Caddy. You’ll most likely have to use subdomains for this, as lots of apps assume they are the root path without some tinkering.

    Edit: Corrected incorrect cli arguments and a typo.

  • Looking over the github issues I couldn’t find a feature request for this, so it seems like it’s not being considered at the moment. You could make a suggestion over there, I do think this feature would be useful but it’s up to the devs to implement it.

    That being said, I wouldn’t count on this feature being implemented. This will only work on instances that obey the rules so some instances could remove this feature. When you look up your account on my instance (link here), it is up to my server to respect your option to hide your profile comments. This means the options have to be federated per-user, and adds a great deal of complexity to the system that can be easily thwarted by someone running an instance that chooses to not follow these rules.

    If your goal is to stop people looking up historical activities, it might be best to use multiple accounts and switch to new accounts every so often to break up your history. You could also delete your content but this is again up to each instance to respect the deletion request. It’s not an optimal solutions but depending on your goals it is the available solution.

    Edit: Also if your curious about the downvotes, it’s not the subject matter but your post violates Rule 3: Not regarding using or support for Lemmy.