That would not surprise me in the slightest. Drumph had a lot of help, starting with those fucking “actors” who cheered him as he descended the golden elevator. He certainly didn’t get there based on merit LOL.
That would not surprise me in the slightest. Drumph had a lot of help, starting with those fucking “actors” who cheered him as he descended the golden elevator. He certainly didn’t get there based on merit LOL.
All spammers deserve the same treatment, blue, red or pearly pink…
Not sure about bots, but I’ve certainly encountered some trolls. And some people grafted to Elmo’s starfish. At least they aren’t a protected species here…
I never actually visited that sub, but I heard it alluded to enough to loathe it…
My PC and internet bandwidth have limits, you know :) I will run Big Balls for a bit though…
It’s just gas lighting. Maybe there are people that might agree with it because “it’s documented”, the sort of people that do their “due diligence” by watching Fox. It’s just BS with crap sprinkles on it.
Haha I connected that addy to a bot at https://mailbait.info/run and sent him a few thousand emails a day of what I imagine his interests were. I’m sure he found all the links to personal escort services, nude beach satellite imagery, mammalian genital enhancement, one way vacations and STD diagnosis and treatment all very useful.
I think he’s a “but both sides” er… One of those people who excuses the horror of what’s happening today because “biden”, or someone else he doesn’t like apparently did something 2% as bad, in his opinion, years ago.
Yeah. Instead of like, you know, maybe…improving his behaviour…
Reddit, or at least the subs I frequented, is a cesspool of russian trolls and bots. I made the apparent mistake of calling a couple of trolls out in the r/Europe sub and asked why they weren’t in Kursk, and pffft…permanent ban from all of reddit for “inciting violence”. I think my blood pressure has improved since then, tbh.
Except that’s exactly what you’ve been doing. Sheesh.
I never got that, the thinking that the rich and successful are good. I firmly believe that you don’t get rich unless you are prepared to do evil things. Even if it’s just cheating on your taxes. And in a country that claims itself christian…Didn’t Jesus say that it’s more difficult for a rich man to enter heaven than a camel can pass through the eye of a needle?
I retired during Covid, but until then I drove mercedes. When I needed a new car, the new Merc dealer wouldn’t even let me onto the lot, telling me he couldn’t get a car for me for 12 months. Turned out, the only new car I could get immediately, was a Kia Sportage, and that was only because someone failed a finance application. That car was actually awesome, never a single problem, but I decided I didn’t like all the screens because always fingerprints, so I sold that and bought a Hyundai because I had already gone through the tech learning curve (Kia and Hyundai are the same). That too, has been trouble free all the time I’ve had it, and I’m about to trade to another Hyundai. Converesely, here in Australia, I hear about Honda’s being crap. I think Korean cars, actually made in Korea, are actually great cars. You Americans mostly get models made locally, which to me sounds like the problem. What you are saying, is American made is shitty.
Your coworker is a nazi who hasn’t come out yet.
This explains why JD Vance wears mascara.
Have to go to a private detention center so that Drumphs mates who own the centers, can profit as mightily as possible.
This offends me to the core. Stellantis has made my shit list, and I will never purchase any product they are involved in. EVER !
…or into a pink mist wafting gently in the morning breeze…