This thread made me look up Google Chrome Youtube Short Block Extension, installed, working, easy peasy lemon squeezy
pretty sneaky sis
winning lottery numbers
kitch factor/ Instagramable content
yeah, votes are sometimes being cached by the browser incorrectly, to see actual votes go to your profile, and refresh the page
Cost of takeout bags, containers, IT, all that jazz, the company believes it should be able to pass on to the customer without raising it’s menu prices. I don’t know it’s a classic “cash grab” so much as a business attempting to recoup as much as it can from a sale. Last time I checked BFF wasn’t doing all that great. But in the end, I agree completely with you in that these Fees are so fucking annoying, one after another, never ending.
fucking antisemite
possibly and old person with a broken wrist. you don’t know.