Feel free to actually look at their methodology instead of talking out your ass.
Feel free to actually look at their methodology instead of talking out your ass.
Tariffs change. Especially when Trump or another nutcase is in office.
The explanation is that it’s random. Generate enough random strings and you’re bound to get everything.
This is entirely symbolic. The guy is already in prison and would never be able to pay that.
They seize assets in the US.
Most providers in the US allow it too. It’s great that Germany has it enshrined in law, but in practice it’s not the exception.
Sort of. I feel like I report half the posts around here because they’re neither news nor articles.
Yeah, I don’t think they were the exclusive users of these pagers. I know in the US, pagers are still used by hospital staff, for example. So if a doctor with one of these pagers has one on a bus, and it explodes, it hits a doctor and a few people around them. Not necessarily any Hezbollah (who Israel really shouldn’t be assassinating in the first place).
Not that Israel really cares about killing innocent people. Even beyond the current genocide, and in 1946, even before Israel existed, Irgun bombed a hotel: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_David_Hotel_bombing
You know how the 2a guys go “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED”? Should the 2a guys start going “SHALL MAKE NO LAW”?
Not much. The hard part is developing the trigger mechanism. After that, you just need a guy doing assembly to add the extra part. Or you stop the truck when it leaves the factory and delay it a day while you install the parts.
I was thinking the same thing. This isn’t your Nokia IED where you just wire the ringer to the detonator. There must be some additional circuitry to handle a special signal. A pre-programmed high-pitched ring for certain numbers maybe? Or a little logic chip to recognize numbers or messages?
In my experience, he doesn’t read anything beyond the comment he’s replying to.
Yeah, I’m not 100% convinced either. It doesn’t sound like he used the n-word, nor that he caught himself halfway through saying it. People screw up speaking all the time, and on rare occasions it can sound like something offensive.
Why should he leave Gaza?
I don’t think everyone ever claimed the Abrahamic god to be benevolent.
Bold of you to assume there was any logical thought process behind it at all.
Too late, I already did.
Picking strawberries isn’t going to pay rent and student loans either.
And before you say “well maybe they shouldn’t have taken them out”, maybe we shouldn’t have been telling teenagers to take on tens of thousands of dollars of debt. Or maybe we shouldn’t be charging tens of thousands of dollars for what has basically been a requirement for any entry-level career job.