You consider an ESB, an Extra Special Bitter, a sweet beer?
Linux gamer, retired aviator, profanity enthusiast
You consider an ESB, an Extra Special Bitter, a sweet beer?
In the book The Martian, the computers built into the rovers apparently run Linux, or at least some *Nix. At one point they have Watney run hexedit on /usr/lib/ and change a number of bytes to hack it to talk to Pathfinder.
Good for you I guess, but why’d the variety have to disappear? I want my ESBs and barleywines back. I haven’t seen a locally made wheat beer since before the pandemic.
It’s a thing that happened and I’m not sure by what mechanism. 2018, lots of microbreweries and brewpubs most offering a wide variety, by 2021 you’ve got seven IPAs and one token stout on the menu.
For a hot minute there near the end of the Obama administration, craft beer was a thing in this country and we had some excellent beers. Then Trump got elected and I haven’t seen a craft beer that wasn’t an IPA or a token jet black “oatmeal stout” since.
So, the first thing you need to know about alcohol is it’s an intoxicating drug. It is a depressant, its short-term effects include reduced inhibitions which in the moment can feel like increased confidence, and overall reduction in physical motor skills, plus a mild euphoria. Also makes your face feel slightly numb. That’s most of alcohol’s selling point.
Alcohol on its own is rather unpleasant to have in your face. A lot of cocktail culture sprung up around hiding alcohol with other flavorings so they’re in any way pleasant to swallow.
You might try something like whiskey and coke, I’d specifically go with American or Canadian whiskies here; scotch doesn’t really bring the right flavors for this. There’s a reason Jack Daniels or Crown Royal are stereotypes. Vodka can also be a way in; it doesn’t bring a lot of flavor of its own so adding it to fruit juices can get you used to booze within familiar flavor profiles. Don’t worry about sticking to posted recipes, drop a tablespoon of vodka into a tall glass of orange juice and see what it does, then start upping the ratio.
Get used to that, you may then start exploring cocktails, getting into wine or beer, or neat spirits.
My favorite slur has to be “folding chable.” It was spoken by Rich Evans.
“Is the bed of your truck smooth side or step side?”
“Turned post.”
Okay look, the word “gender” has been so overused and misused at this point, it’s like the words “patriarchy” and “woke” at this point. It means whatever you need it to mean right now to make the other person wrong. I’m pretty sure this notion of gender being anything other than another word for sex was invented on Tumblr some time in the last 8 years or so, it apparently doesn’t refer to which kind of crotch you have or what you prefer to do with said crotch so…it refers to something that can’t be measured or experienced about a person so it’s a useless concept.
These people are no longer worth talking to or about. I leave them to their fate.
Im saying that people shouldnt target them specofically because they are young insecure men
This is precisely why they SHOULD be targeted, why there should be programming and messaging specifically for them. They need mentoring and guidance through a strange, transitional period in their lives as they become the adults they will be for the rest of their lives. It’s why sitcoms with a “family” or young adult audience often had those “very special” episodes in the 80’s.
Why cant people just consume media that fits them individually indenpendent of their age and gender?
Yeah, why can’t 5 year old girls just be happy watching Game of Thrones? Why should there be an entire industry devoted to making children’s media when they could just watch what everyone else does?
Beyond that, this topic goes beyond entertainment. People turn to social media for everything from shortbread recipes to news to tax advice. And get this, this is probably going to be a new concept to a leftist: your demographics do indeed inform what you are interested in. There are topics, themes and messages that are relevant to 40 year old women that aren’t relevant to 14 year old boys and vice versa. It’s why we developed more than three TV channels.
Why do we feel the need to shape people into roles they arent meant for just because of their gender?
That’s an extremely good question. Why should we treat every boy in the nation as if he was queer? That’s what we’re dancing around here, isn’t it? “Heteronormativity” is a dirty word on the Left, after all, the idea of a “normal male” upbringing is seen as distasteful if not offensive. The idea of helping adolescent boys grow up to be straight men is a non-starter on the Left. So there are only right-wing voices speaking on that subject.
Making your target audience 14yo boys is kind of fucked up on its own.
Is it just me, or does that statement just not hold up to scrutiny? Are 14 year old boys supposed to just be complete pariahs from society? At what age does it start being unacceptable to address them, and at what age if any does it become okay to speak to males again? What do you expect a teenage boy’s life to be like?
I’m increasingly convinced that being anti-man is a defining trait of being on The Left in America. The Left has no monopoly on progressive social issues. If you poll Americans on issues alone, they’ll overwhelmingly come down in favor of progressive issues, things like higher minimum wages, medicare for all etc. The Left exists to play identity politics, largely against each other. Seeing men as the source of all their problems is the only uniting factor they share.
Depending on exactly who on The Left you ask, it is either a waste of time or outright immoral to talk to men and boys in good faith. The people posting about “Instead of gender reveal parties, you should have anti-heteronormativity lectures with rainbow cake” cannot stand the thought of saying to an adolescent boy “Here’s how our social policies will benefit you.” Because they cannot stand the thought of males benefiting from anything. That sentence sticks in their throat.
Most of my life I’ve heard “Girls need positive female role models in media.” Is this somehow not true for boys as well? “Even if it is, it’s not what we do here, and we’d rather it wasn’t done anywhere else either.”
Well it is being done somewhere else. There’s a whole media empire out there who are perfectly happy to fill that niche. Nobody on The Left will even try to compete in that market because the culture war is too important to them.
tilts head
plugs in USB optical drive
push tray back in
Yeah I don’t think being naked factors into their decision making process as much as people think. He’s still running CatOS. He wants to get his snout around some of that delicious chicken.
I’d bitch to the county commissioners about that.
One thing about the town I’m in, they do a fairly good job of keeping the services running, and most of the normal stuff is fairly easy to find on the town’s website. Stuff like “Who do I talk to about installing a detached garage on my property” is an act of open heart dentistry…
Okay and on the topic of garbage I will bitch about one thing: they posted a map of the town with some teal area and some purple area, and it said “Teal is Schedule A, Purple is Schedule B.” And then didn’t say what that meant. I’m sure it was discussed verbally in the meeting that map was presented in.
Can we pleast waste the next 4 years renaming things and get nothing practical done? That sounds like perfectly good mud to spin the tires in.
I’m referring to a phenomenon of the late Bronze age in which poorly identified people came from the sea to attack the likes of ancient Egypt. Writings of the time do not identify who they were, where they came from, exactly what their mission was, but basically bronze age civilization was coming apart and these folks decided to be on the side of entropy.
At this point I build my desktops and I’ll buy Framework laptops.
It’s been a minute since I’ve walked into a brewery or beer shop and found something I’d prefer over Yuengling, my go-to grocery store beer.