People don’t want to watch reruns
People don’t want to watch reruns
I feel this in my bones.
My employer (< 20 total employees, 3 total devs) was recently acquired by a much larger company. Our lead dev was made a manager and no longer has time to code and I was made a team lead and now half my time is spent in meetings, code review, or deployments. I am finding that with limited time for coding I am writing more concise, thoughtful code.
The hardest part of the change was adjusting my expectations for the product. We can no longer deliver what we want at the pace we want as that is now dictated by someone.
I feel like I’m too senior to ask this, and should know better, but my main responsibility is a .net framework 4.8 application, so I may have missed a memo. Why does Newtonsoft.Json need to be stopped?
I live near enough to TMI that a catastrophic event would be severely detrimental to my health, but I see this as a good thing (if you can call AI good). Clean, safe energy, and jobs for people in an area that needs jobs, win-win.