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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • Ranked Choice Voting (or ANYTHING with preference polling) would be vastly better than our current system. It would enable 3rd parties to thrive without being nearly the spoilers they are now.

    Every voting system as it’s flaws and edge cases, but our current First Past the Post system is a trainwreck crushing the Republic by degrading into two majority parties (as it demonstrably always does) and then letting other countries and dark money prop up spoiler candidates to hurt their opponents.

    We either fix our voting system or we eventually lose the Republic.

  • This voting season has a very different feel from 2020. I’ve been trying to understand what’s up.

    Because there’s not the same kind of public displays of right wing movements, I feel that it seems like a safer situation on a large scale. The tradeoff is that the right wing nutjobs don’t have the same public visible groups to join and yell about life with. They’re likely going to be much more likely to lash out through terroristic acts and to be more individually violent.

    So, while there’s not nearly the same quantity of truck convoys of deplorables driving around waving flags, that same energy is going to be distilled into a more potent sludge of evil under the surface.

  • Your perspective might be why I enjoy microcontroller work. I love getting to know everything about the system, reading hardware documentation, and getting the low level parts to work in a highly deterministic way.

    I use ATTiny85 cores when a ESP32 costs almost the same, but the 85 only has 256 bytes of SRAM and five I/O pins so I can track it all and ensure it will do exactly what I want.

  • They did that to my daughter. I’d setup a laptop for her. The windows boot partition was still there (my bad for scraping every last bit of Windows off - it was setup in haste) and she accidentally chose windows from grub one day. The Windows Bootloader decided to change boot options in the bios and then remove grub somehow, but there was no windows on disk to launch so it was bricked.

    The next time I could out hands on the computer I scoured that disk clean of Microsoft’s plague rats so they wouldn’t get a finger in edgewise again.