Yea I guess it works fine for anything that doesn’t require a real context window.
Yea I guess it works fine for anything that doesn’t require a real context window.
Does your mechanical pencil advance its own lead? Does your mechanical keyboard type on itself?
Yea rooftop solar here got so popular because of the pricing which means they decided to cut the rates that they will pay you for generation. So in the same instant they will charge you $.70 to draw power but only give you $.12 for power fed back in during the same time period.
Nah man my parents were able to build a really nice life from almost nothing by working hard and going to school. That doesn’t work anymore.
They invited Mother Earth herself to announce the latest iWhatever on stage last year. They’re absolutely covered in masks.
Only if you distill it to the point of uselessness (well, even more useless). Otherwise you wouldn’t have headlines like this.
Careful what you wish for or they’re gonna add “slide to shut down” to desktop PCs.
Here in California our utility keeps burning down entire towns so now we pay $.60-$.70 per kW/h. It’s insane. They still don’t maintain infrastructure, they just pass on the cost of lawsuits.
Are they in the room with us right now?
Apple’s autocorrect is based on GPT, of chatGPT fame, but it’s the GPT2 model which came out around 2015. Back then it ran on supercomputers, now it fits in your pocket. ChatGPT uses the GPT4 model which requires really big supercomputers for now.
You’re spending too much time in theoryland. How do you over-provision for 10 feet of snow in a week of 0f/-10c? It’s not a hypothetical. Moving energy across long distances is absolutely critical to carbon-free energy.
Why didn’t Tesla present its telemetry data? They are the ones suing so the burden of proof is on them.
“Independent” “third party” seems unlikely, she made the right call. No brake company wants to be on the bad side of a major auto manufacturer.
Performance. AMD has explicitly stated that they aren’t even trying to compete at the top end.
But I was assured by all the vocal defenders of that stupid bias bot that fiiiiiinally went away (payments must have dried up) that the AP and Reuters are left-wing rags.
Is the multiple of 12 thing just for ease of lead-acid storage?
Even if you have perfect eutopic solar communities you would still have to build and maintain the grid for the times when it’s cold and cloudy/snowy/rainy for a week straight to import from somewhere with different weather. It’s completely unreasonable to build that much battery capacity into every town, as nice as it would be.
When you get to -7 like me the limits of physics start to apply and the closer you can get the lens to the eyeball, the less distortion you have so you can still read text and stuff which is pretty hard with glasses.
And at that point you need a power grid and at that point you may as well centralize the generation to utilize economies of scale.