This year I discovered Norm Macdonald and I think he’s now my favourite.
Theo Vonn is also hilarious, not so much his stand up but in podcasts and general conversation.
Bill Burr is great too.
This year I discovered Norm Macdonald and I think he’s now my favourite.
Theo Vonn is also hilarious, not so much his stand up but in podcasts and general conversation.
Bill Burr is great too.
The dark crystal is the greatest fantasy movie of all time.
One of the reasons I think they hit different is because of the technology used to film them and the practical effects.
To me horror films from the 70s and before seem more real and scary than modern ones that are full of CGI and weird pallete swaps like when they film night scenes during the day and then darken them after. It just gives off this whole ‘this is a fake movie’ thing to me.
OpenSuse Leap is my favourite distro.
Occasionally I try out others, some I really like, but I always end up back on leap.
Mine was really easy (dell chromebook 11), just followed the instructions and I had no problems. I have another chromebook with an amd chipset that I can’t change the firmware on though (last time I checked), so if you’re planning to buy one to convert make sure you actually can do it first.
I turned one into an Emacs machine, it was £20 and I fucking love it. It’s built like a tank too. It’s a dell Chromebook 11.
I only downvote hateful stuff or obvious bots and spam. The same as I do on anything with upvotes and downvotes.
When I was about 9 my family went to the jorvik viking center in York. They had a ride thingy where you could be driven around a realistic viking settlement and whatever the fuck they used to make the realistic smells of smelly vikings and pig shit really fucked me up. No one else was that bothered but I couldn’t eat properly for days.
I’m guessing whatever chemical they used really didn’t sit well with me. It must have had a pretty extreme effect because that was 31 years ago and it was the first thing that popped in my mind when I saw this question.
I’m constantly trying out all the ones I can find but so far connect is the only one where I can customise the colours. I love me a sepia theme!
Luckily it’s also great in other ways.
Wefwef is pretty good
90s was Mandrake, early 2000s was all about Ubuntu.
Since then I’ve tried just about everything including BSDs. It’s all pretty much the same thing, as long as you like the package manager and release schedule. I don’t like snap or flatpak so avoid distros that use them a lot.
These days I mainly just use opensuse leap, although I love arch etc but it’s just too much work for me now.
I only really need a terminal, firefox and emacs and I’m happy.