• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • If I were still dating (I’m not) but one of the things I find out early on is: would they be for or against marriage/relationship counseling?

    If they respond with they would never agree to see one, I end the relationship very fast. I won’t waste my time with someone that will never look to fix things.

    Many times you can fix a relationship by simply talking, but sometimes it requires a professional.

    My viewpoint is in every other walk life we are willing to ask for help. Baseball, football, business, repair of your car, repair of your phone or your computer. Something is wrong with not afraid to walk to a professional and say I need help. For some reason, what comes to our relationships we just won’t ask. Even if the other half of the relationship is saying we need help, there’s way too many people will say no I’ll never enter that room.

    To me, that’s just a person who doesn’t want to work at the Relationship. I won’t waste my time. But as I said, I don’t date anymore. I won’t date, but when I did date, that was one of the things I looked at.

  • The reality is this will only affect the mom and pop landlords. The large corporations it won’t have any affect on. Will ten dollars kill them? No. But if we keep adding things like this where the landlord can’t recoup their costs then it will. The large corporations will negotiate a deal for the individual large corporations but the mom and pop operations won’t have the bargaining power.

    Again I’m not saying ten dollars would kill them. It’s the idea of adding fees that a landlord can’t recoup that I’m against, because of who it will affect.

    Yes I know the landlord can just up the rental price to recover the loss, but a ton of landlords run on a shoe string budget. The corporations can weather that storm easier. One fee probably not a problem. Keep adding fees and limit the ability to raise rent beyond a certain percentage and watch what happens.

    In order for the landlords as a whole to get that kind of bargaining power would require the mom and pop landlords to unionize. Does anyone think that kind of union is a good idea?

    Take a look at certain areas and see which type of landlord is getting out of the business and which type of landlord is buying more and more land.

    I’m not saying this is the only reason for that but it doesn’t help.