Palestine / Hamas.
Palestine / Hamas.
Who are all being willfully dismissive and are faniliar with emai, so…
FR, younger generations don’t have to fix anything / solve any problems on their PC; any problem they’re likely to run into is an abstracted error within Google Docs, within their browser.
It isn’t tough at all, and anyone who says the concept is can’t wrap their mind around it is either a Luddite or is willfully dismissive.
Same, if I had to buy crocs I’d go with these.
But then again, I do love foam runners so I don’t know if that take is surprising.
Could be that both taillights / brake lights were out. Seems super unlikely, but I have seen someone driving on the highway with both taillights burnt out, headlights on.
Probably hard to realize they’re out until someone lets you know / pulls you over.
Fedora. Specifically I’ve been using Silverblue recently, very stable system for me.
You’re not wrong, but in what world is that even comparable (or relevant in conparison) to trying to overturn an election?
No matter what you think of Harris’ policies, shes the only actual candidate on the ballot.
Using Fedora Sway Atomic has been the most consistent Linux experience I’ve had.
Yeah, my parents are perfect, my grandparents are like ~80% there. One side is a bit religious conservative (thankfully anti-Trump), and the other side’s grandfather has an odd idea that all black people naturally don’t want to work. Other than that one sentiment, he isn’t racist in the slightest, but he insists that’s the case.
Never noticed, but that is actually insane. I would prefer it to match my phone’s current theme, surely they’ll add that eventually.
As far as I can tell, I can rotate the feed screens to landscape AND rotates if I turn my phone (Pixel 6) 𝛑.
Might’ve changed in the last week or something, check if you need an update!
Best way I know of is to share them to Grayjay, and then add it to Grayjay one by one. I don’t think there’s a way of exporting them quicker than that.
This is what I use (with zsh):
yt-audio() {
yt-dlp --no-playlist -f 'ba' -x --audio-format mp3 $1
yt-audio-playlist() {
yt-dlp -f 'ba' -x --audio-format mp3 $1
It takes the best quality available and downloads it to mp3.
If you mean disable it entirely, I don’t get that warning at alli
I do exactly this for downloading music, I aliased my preferred options to ‘yt-audio’
I think any math teacher who sees you tattooed a formula on yourself and doesn’t let you look at it is an absolute dickhead. (Assuming the dickhead won’t allow formula sheets)
I dont know what they’re on about with Mitchell.
(Jackie Mitchell struck out Babe Ruth and Lou Gherig in 1931 and was kicked out of the league a month later)
This lacks SO much context, it was an EXHIBITION match and she never played in the MLB, she played in the minors. Anyone reading that would assume she struck out two greats in a real game and was banned by the MLB.
There’s a lot of truth to she shooting thing, that should absolutely be co-ed.
However, my point still stands: women and men should be separated if the sport has a physical component to its competition. (i.e. any sort of contact.)
I cannot fathom how some people are so bothered by what others choose to do. It has ZERO effect on their life. If someone else being LGBTQ+ negatively effects your relationship with God, you are the weakest Christian of all time. (And I’d imagine would go to hell)