they still do, i’m sure. just too many occurrences to properly deal with and not enough funding to go around.
they still do, i’m sure. just too many occurrences to properly deal with and not enough funding to go around.
this is the small public liberal arts college that desantis and the state legislature are trying to turn into a ‘christian’ school.
when it automatically enables on win11 home, it doesn’t actually “enable” until you do sign-in to windows with a microsoft account so it has a place to stash the recovery key.
and, i have not had any difficulty turning the encryption off on win11 home systems.
not yet, they haven’t.
without search and their abuse of that monopoly, google wouldn’t have dominant positions or massive market shares that many of their other properties (products, services, software, etc) have.
probably not very many because it only took a single psychotic new owner to do that when he started pulling servers out of a sacramento data center a couple years back, with no engineering and no planning.
and most every cpanel (and every other web host panel) box on the planet.
web, ftp, database, mail, dns, and more. all on one machine.
if google cared, they’d vet ads and ad links, and guarantee their safety and security.
if google cared, they’d put a stop to seo ‘optimizers’ and scammers scoring top positions on serps.
but google doesn’t care about anything other than their profits and share price.
adblockers can affect both of those. they’re using the weak cover of ‘security’ enhancement to neuter them.
existing adblockers provide more safety and security than what can be realized by the shift to mv3.
i mostly use a vivaldi or opera portable for those. unzip, run, use the temperamental site, close, delete directory. it’s not very often that i have to do this.
but for a couple of pesky sites i do frequent a bit more often, i keep their portable browsers to reuse and have them configured (including addons) specifically for them.
i did read somewhere that affected chrome users are being presented with alternatives from the chrome extension ‘store’ that are mv3-ready.
whether or not they’re capable of clicking the right buttons on the right screens and windows to do it is another story.
ubo, abp and adguard all have mv3 variants. there are others, but i think those are the ‘big three’. ublock origin lite is what i’ve been moving people to here, if not to firefox. so far, so good.
dns blocking methods do not, and literally cannot, block them all.
that is the white portion of the diagram.
yes, it will.
whether or not a ‘fully functional’ and fully-featured content blocker remains available for third-party browsers that use chromium as their core will depend on those third-parties and what they add, or add back, to their own releases to support those kinds of browser extensions.
so, basically, the os isn’t tuned for the new chips yet.
the 2nd threads on smt-enabled cores are supposed to get hit last.
hardly something ‘new’, it’s been going on for years and years.
could just be the countries with the most users or where they’ve seen a recent trend, up or down, in local market share.
jd’s actually going up to wisconsin to visit ashley in arcadia. EAU just happens to be the airport he’s flying into to get there.
depends on when it hits the supreme court, for sure.
didn’t someone just say google was ‘very bad’ and should be ‘shut down’? …someone that helped stack the court to its current composition?
you opt out of all, they send crap a year later–presumably without you conducting other business with them in the meantime, correct? hell yea, that’s spam.
some way to call a custom or ‘third party’ (not compiled into the program) extractor would probably be enough. then let other people work on ones for the, um, ‘problem sites’.