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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • As a veteran with PTSD, DPDR, that has spent a lot of work, time, and money to not have a bad day. If I cannot prevent myself from committing acts of violence please just put me down.

    There is no reason my existence, for whatever reason caused it to be fucked up should cause harm to others. As a survivor of abuse at the hands of Catholic Church, nothing justifies harming children. As a TBI traumatic Brian injury survivor of war, my continued existence and freedom for self determination doesn’t justify continuing to abuse others or commit unsanctioned acts of violence against others.

    If I am incapable of controlling myself or not causing harm to others I should not be allowed to cause harm to others simply because I am a faulty individual that has been harmed or suffered. My suffering does not justify causing others to suffer. Get out of here with that bull shit. If the person refuses medications, therapy, work then the only alternative is involuntary treatment.

  • I feel that engineer is shoehorned into a lot of job titles nowadays… But I also now work in software engineering. I have a degree in CS as well as degrees and certs in cybersecurity.

    Should I need to be licensed by the State to discuss the lack of cybersecurity in systems?

    If anything, my studies, and application of project management pay more benefits than my CS certifications and degrees. SMEs really lack the ability to explain to management how it costs more to screw around and half ass some fantastic plan than to, you know, just get minimum viable product going then integrate improvements.

    Previously I worked with aircraft where safety is written in blood. Yet in software dev I still have a hard time convincing people to provide a software bill of materials even though it’s required. It’s still the wild west. Even when DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas termed “killware” only a few took notice.

    I guess what I’m saying is that we care more about Netflix uptime than we care about if water treatment plants or infrastructure that could literally kill people if it fails insecure.

    The problem is qualified people already built a lot of the systems that are either no longer secure or no longer up to the task post IoT and climate change. How do we admit that qualifications aren’t the problem? The problem is lack of continued penetration, stress, fail safe, or regression testing!

  • Vqhm@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldLinus does not fuck around
    10 months ago

    I’ve never had a negative experience contributing to open source.

    I’ve also been to scrums where everyone is equal, and we have to be very PC, about explaining “processes” and “best practices” to people that break the build pipeline every single day. Eventually I just coded error handling and guard clauses into everything so no one could screw anything up by not following the documentation being a cowboy. That is a best practice, sure, but you’d be surprised by how people break things even after being warned not to do a very specific thing.

    A cowboy that fixes things always 24/7 can be a maverick and talk shit.

    But in todays PC world you can also be a cowboy that breaks everything always and spends weeks fixing something they themselves broke…

    I wish I could say the things Linus said instead of just putting people on a performance improvement plan.

    Sometimes being angry is appropriate. When I am I step back and try to figure out solution where the fuck up can’t happen again and no one gets hurt.

    I’ve seen people be VERY angry and even hands on working in jobs where fucking up can kill people.

    I’d rather see anger than people dying. Did Linus go too far here? Probably, but there is a time and place for anger and being direct.

  • Vqhm@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldIt's OK if you cry
    10 months ago

    Even a decade ago it usually meant ticking a box that you also allowed nonfree drivers.

    Even Debian allowed you to download the specific nonfree driver you needed and add it (without Internet) at imaging so post install you could connect with wifi and not just Ethernet.

    It’s come a long way. But doesn’t anyone else remember when windows did not have drivers and you’d constantly be confronted with “have disk”?

    I mean, the amount of drivers for old hardware I still have saved… Because before win10 nothing would reliability always fetch the driver you need from the net…