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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • I’m kinda in the same boat but on the other side. I always try to argue with people about this. It gets me a lot of flak on pro AI posts but that won’t stop me. I usually get very aggressive replies and sometimes some fucked up dm’s too.

    I’m against it because we are already seeing the consequences of this technology and it’s only getting worse. By the time laws catch up it’s gonna be too late and the damage will be done. For some technologies that’s not always the worst. But we already saw how long it took for anyone to do anything about the Internet when it came out, and we are still trying to this day. This shit is growing so fast we will all feel the whiplash. Sites like Facebook are getting absolutely flooded with so much AI that they are becoming almost unusable. And that’s before we even get into the shady shit people use AI for like making porn of people they know with the click of a button. I recently read an article about how bad deepfake porn is in South Korea (found the article. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/12/world/asia/south-korea-deepfake-videos.html). And in places like the US, where a lot of these companies are based, they are so slow to do anything about a problem it’s going to be too late by the time they get to it.

    But besides all the awful things happening because of AI, I do have one personal gripe with the whole ordeal. Why are we so quick to replace the things we enjoy with AI? When I get home from work I like to make music and practice pixel art (I’m not very good at either yet). I’d much rather have AI replace my job than my hobbies. I’m down for things that are useful, but too much of this just gives me a bad gut feeling. Like their trying to replace people and not their jobs.

    This may be the future. But it sounds like a pretty dystopian future to me. You already can’t believe everything you see on the Internet and this will only make it worse.

  • In my life I’ve had several HDD’s and SSD’s fail on me. None of that shit lasts forever and you would honestly be surprised how often they fail. For huge servers like data centers the average failure rate is between 1% and 2% per year, and sometimes even higher. They literally have to replace hard drives on a daily basis because of failure.

    Disk failure is one of the reasons I have copies of all of my important stuff saved to every hard drive on my computer, along with an external just in case. One time my system drive failed and I couldn’t save anything because my operating system stopped working. Had to reinstall the OS and do a data recovery. Ended up with a bunch of photos that were corrupted, distorted, or missing half the photo.

  • Okay, first of all, not all gun supporters are terrible people. I’m a gun owner because I live in a shitty neighborhood that would still be shitty regardless of guns. I don’t wanna get knifed by a meth head and I don’t think I’d be able to go toe to toe with one in a knife fight.

    Secondly, the biggest reason for gun violence in the US is more of a mental health issue. If people had access to the resources they need when they need them there would be substantially less violence in general. Stop trying to treat the symptom by adding more guns and treat the disease by giving people the help they need. The US isn’t the only country in the world that allows gun ownership. We just don’t have enough regulation and our health care system is a joke.

    Lastly, the majority of gun violence in the US comes from people going out of state to a more lax area and buy guns there. This isn’t just an issue between the US and Canada. It’s between states in our own country.

    I don’t necessarily disagree with you. Gun control in this country is abysmal. But blaming and shaming people for enjoying something or trying to protect their family is just disrespectful. Generalizing an entire country based upon one specific issue is just ignorant. I consider myself left but I still own a gun. I keep it locked away and I’m the only one that knows how to get it, but still. If I ever need to protect myself when my methed out neighbor starts busting down my door at 3 AM again I’m going to do it. And fuck you for assuming that I’m some kind of obsessed weirdo that glorifies guns.

  • And that’s kinda my point. I understand that transformation is totally fine but these LLM literally copy and paste shit. And that’s still if you are comparing AI to people which I think is completely ridiculous. If anything these things are just more complicated search engines with half the usefulness. If I search online about how to change a tire I can find some reliable sources to do so. If I ask AI how to change a tire it would just spit something out that might not even be accurate and I’d have to search again afterwards just to make sure what it told me was even accurate.

    It’s just a word calculator based on information stolen from people without their consent. It has no original thought process so it has no way to transform anything. All it can do is copy and paste in different combinations.

  • It’s just the new trend. One person starts it and has a successful video, and then everyone else follows it regardless of whether or not that was the reason for success. But I’ll take it over constantly using jump cuts every 5 seconds. That shit has been obnoxious for years. Most of the things I watch on YouTube these days are educational stuff so I don’t see either of these things that often. The only time I’m okay with the multiple angles is if they use it as like a “tangent camera” for when you know they are going off script or just expressing their opinions on what they are talking about. You know, an actual reason for two cameras instead of just “oooo look at me.”

    The YouTube trend that’s been pissing me off are the YouTubers that change the thumbnail and title an hour after it’s posted because it’s not getting enough views and then make a community post talking about how it’s the best video they ever made.

  • I remember watching this when it first came out and I was honestly as upset as him. But don’t worry, it’s for the benefit of everyone so they can make AI as best as they can or some shit. But really it’s just stealing with extra steps.

    Remember that every single piece of AI art, music, and video you have ever seen was made entirely out of stuff found online and most likely taken without people’s consent.