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Cake day: July 7th, 2023

  • Violins are traditional instruments of cinematic mourning, either as background melody or very famously used literally in Titanic where the orchestra kept playing right up until the ship went down (historically accurate).

    Spongebob Squarepants later had a one-off gag where Mr. Krabs wanted to express insincere mourning, so he pulled out a finger-size violin and said something to the effect of “Oh boo hoo. Let me play you a sad song on the world’s tiniest violin”

    Of course, being Spongebob Squarepants, the gag was executed so flawlessly that it was immediately seamlessly integrated into internet culture.

  • That’s great for the workers, but… is Boeing as a company just too far gone anyways? Even a gesture like this doesn’t seem like it could reverse the spiral they’ve fallen into…

    Brazenly assassinating whistleblowers, a notorious focus on moneymaking over public safety, rushing production in order to meet deadlines, self-certifications that are being found not to be up to industry standards, quality rejection by NASA, more whistleblowers citing safety violations on the new 777 that are so severe that it might be more cost-effective to just scrap all the planes than to totally disassemble them to fix the issues, and a complete exodus of talented workers who can pass on essential technical knowledge because driving them away was necessary in order to make all the Speed Over Safety stuff feasible…

    I certainly don’t envy anyone who’s been tasked with saving the rotten zombie husk of Boeing that’s shambling along only by the momentum it accrued while it was alive.

  • You’re not wrong, but the comparison I like here is Ruth Bader Ginsberg. She wasn’t just doing her job well, she was one of the best Supreme Court Justicies EVER.

    She didn’t resign when the time was right, and as a result she died under Trump, a republican got her seat, and all the great things she did were swiftly demolished, wrecking decades of work over one single mistake: Not knowing when to step down.

    Now I know the situation isn’t perfectly comparable. But if Trump gets in, then every good thing Biden has done will be swiftly undone. This was a hellish dilemma, but if Biden wants to do his job well, he needs to do that by not letting Trump into the White House again.

  • Oh, this is handy, I specifically avoid these guys.

    Not for ethical reasons or anything, just I had these weird frozen meatballs from them when I was like 7 and nearly vomited myself to death in a holiday caravan’s bedroom before collapsing unable to move for an hour, conscious the entire time and simply unable to make my body respond. 1/10, not reccommended.

  • Quality is a spectrum. Sure, Mercedes isn’t Rolls-Royce. Mercedes makes cars as their main business and turns a profit from that, Rolls-Royce is a company that makes aircraft engines and produces cars sometimes as publicity stunts (because a car built to the tolerances of an aircraft engine is, shockingly, going to be very precise and well-made).

    But Mercedes is definitely a higher quality of build than like. Fiat or Ford. To an average person, you buy something like Toyota if you want reliability and a long-lived vehicle, or Mercedes for a smoother drive full of tiny little expensive gadgets that will probably develop a fault after 3 years.

    (No idea why they’ve listed BMW here though lol, those things just love perpetually breaking down, because the systems they use to get that unique tactile feedback while driving that some people crave are absolute dogshit when it comes to life expectancy. They use a fucking chain for a timing belt instead of rubber. Don’t ever buy one unless your idea of luxury is constantly having to shell out on repairs and tow trucks. If you have to experience one, just like. Get one as a hire car so you don’t have to own the fucking thing.)