Yeah, with a goal of supporting Israel harder. Because Israel buys our politicians, both sides.
This needs to be top comment. So many little things he does that sane people like are just things Republicans blocked until they could be the ones to do the thing.
Right? Cool, now are we going after the cops who fabricated? No? Oh ok.
I can only post when I’m feeling strong, because I’m terrified of y’all disapproving. :(
I like to think that he forgets, keeps trying and then makes a new post about it
I’m continually surprised by how the people with the most skeletons in their closets are also those most eager to become public figures.
I assume you mean the quality is quietly reduced without notifying the consumer? I’ve heard Cheapflation and Skimpflation.
He clearly ripped out his skidmark rather than clean it
Oh hello, every house I built in Sims.
Low value gift card from a local dinner place. So he has to go there to use it and then it’s only like 10 dollars and he has to fork over the rest.
I’m using &udm=14 for now…
Is the boy in the middle their kid? Because the nose-math adds up.
He says in the video he was just parking at the doctor’s office. 🤣
Woman: wears regular pants and a shirt with a loud pattern, also large costume jewelry
This guy: eyes pop out of head “Hummina hummina Aaaa-ooooo-gah! Quick! I gotta post this on social media!”
I kinda love it. The only spam I’m getting right now is from politicians asking me to donate. :(
I worked for Staples in my college years. They used to throw away bales upon bales of recyclable products every day while pumping up their image as a green place to shop or whatever. Maybe it was just the management of that specific store. Anyway, good on Staples for offering recycling services.
This shit is bananas. I’m being told to “have a great break” and “hope you enjoy your free time” passive aggressively, for taking a day off to go to the doctor while working in a team super top-heavy with managers. Just commenting to back you up - this shit is bananas.