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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023

  • She doesn’t have to worry about people turned off by Biden in general to win the nomination. She doesn’t need to care about voters at all to win the nomination, she just has to appeal to a handful of DNC operatives because the primary is over.

    Assuming the Biden can’t simply reassign his delegates to Harris that is - in which case she’s essentially already won the nomination before she even started running.

    Now the election on the other hand…the election also isn’t particularly about what she has to offer. The election is all about Trump. People are either voting for Trump or not-Trump, and the vast majority of not-Trump voters aren’t all that concerned with what form not-Trump takes so long as it isn’t Trump. It’s entirely a matter of turnout.

    I’m more curious whether she’ll go for a milquetoast generic moderate Democrat or a progressive well to her left - if nothing else it will say something about what she sees as her bigger weakness. I’d put odds on a white guy either way to appease the lesser racists (aka the same reason Biden was Obama’s VP).

  • Except I couldn’t. Because a person being influenced by an artwork and then either intentionally or subconsciously reinterpreting that artwork into a new work of art is a fundamentally different thing from a power hungry machine learning algorithm digesting the near entirety of modern humanity’s art output

    The big differences there are whether it’s a person or a machine and just how much art one can digest as inspiration. Again, reference my example of a commission above - the main difference between a human and an AI making it is whether they look up a couple dozen examples of each element to get a general idea or 100 million examples of each element to mathematically generalize the idea, and the main reason the number of examples and power requirements need to be so different is that humans are extremely efficient pattern developing and matching machines, so efficient that sometimes the brain just fills in the pattern instead of bothering to fully process sensory inputs (which is why a lot of optical illusions work).

    to churn out an image manufactured to best satisfy some random person’s text prompt.

    At a level, “churning out an image to best satisfy some random person’s” description is essentially what happens when someone commissions a work or when producing things to spec as part of some project. They don’t generally say “just draw whatever you are inspired to” and hope they like the result. This is the thing that AI image generators are specifically good at, and is why I say it’s about protectionism for a class of workers who didn’t think their jobs could be automated away in whole or in part.

    But we’re not just talking about automating someone’s job.

    Except you are, you are just deeming that job “someone’s dream career” as though that changes whether or not it’s a job that is being automated in whole or part. Yes, it’s going to hurt the market for commissioned art works and the like. Again, upset because those jobs are supposed to be immune to automation and - whoopsie - they aren’t. Join the people in manufacturing, or the makers of buggy whips.

    We’re talking about automating someone’s passion.

    Literally no one is going to ban or forbid anyone from creating art because AI art exists.

  • This is problematic at best and flat out dishonest thievery at worst.

    You could say that about literally all art - no artist can name and attribute every single influence that played even the smallest effect on the work created. Say I commissioned an image of an anime man in a french maid uniform in a 4 panel pop art style. In creating it at some level you are going to draw on every anime image you’ve seen, every picture of a french maid uniform, every 4 panel pop art image and create something that’s a synthesis of all those things. You can’t name and attribute every single example of all of those things you have ever seen, as well as anything else that might have influenced you.

    Whereas a work made by a person that is dirivitive or parody has actual work and thought put into it by an actual person.

    …and this is the crux of it - it’s not anything related to the actual content of the image, it’s simple protectionism for a class of worker. Basically creatives are seeing the possibility of some of their jobs being automated away and are freaking out because losing jobs to automation is something that’s only supposed to effect manufacturing workers.

    Even if it is dirivitive it’s unique in some way simply by virtue of being made by a person.

    Again, the argument is it’s nothing to do with the actual result, but with it being done by an actual human as opposed to a mere machine. A pixel for pixel identical image create by a human would be “art” by virtue of it being a human that put each pixel there?

  • I once tried to install Linux around then, not long after ISA cards with Plug n Play became a thing.

    Linux: So now to even pretend to get the card to work you have to download and run a tool to generate a config file to feed to another tool so you can then install the driver and get basic functionality from the card (which is all that’s available on Linux). Except the first tool doesn’t generate a working config file - it generates a file containing every possible configuration your hardware supports hypothetically having and requires you to find and uncomment the one you want to actually use. Requiring you to manually configure the card and thus kinda defeating the point of Plug n Play (though I guess that configuration was in software, not by setting jumpers).

    Same card in Windows at the time: Install card, boot Windows. Card is automatically identified and given a valid configuration, built in drivers provide basic functionality. Can download software from manufacturer for more advanced functionality.

    That soured me on Linux for a long time. Might try it again sometime soon just to see what it’s like if nothing else. ProtonDB doesn’t have the most positive things to say about my Steam collection, and I imagine odds are worse for stuff not available on Steam.

  • Don’t date conservatives, …, don’t associate with them, being MAGA should result in your total ostracization.

    The closest I ever got to this with family was when I invited my folks to a semi-fancy wine and cheese kinda place and my stepdad showed up wearing an “LGBT - Liberty, Guns, Beer and Trump” t-shirt. But he was never very politically coherent - he literally complained about “socialized medicine” when they were debating the ACA during the Obama admin while sitting in a hospital bed filling out the paperwork to apply for medicare. He spent his last few years angrily bitching about immigrants, despite being a German immigrant and also bitching about any time he had to supply his citizenship paperwork in any context as though the very idea he ever had to prove his citizenship was offensive.

  • Male contraceptives are difficult to approve to begin with, specifically because there’s no political will to expedite anything that benefits males as a sex. They don’t need to go after this sort of thing until something actually gets approved.

    The FDA also requires tighter standards regarding side effects because they do not prevent or treat a condition that the patient has (because pregnancy is not a concern for male persons). If you ever hear someone talking about a male pill and implying that the guys in the study couldn’t deal with relatively minor side effects, it wasn’t the patients that ended the study and it wasn’t because patients were unwilling to continue using it.

    There was also a pill derived from cotton plants, but it had two major issues: The first was that the difference between a contraceptive dose and a toxic dose was too small to be comfortable. The second was that sometimes (but not always) the effect was permanent.

    There’s also a technology developed in India for a sort of reversible vasectomy that requires an injection of a polymer in each vas. It started out as an attempt at an artificial heart design, in the 70s was used as the basis for a water pump, and still later became the basis for the contraceptive. US IP rights to it were bought by a US company in 2011, and a slightly different formulation of it was in testing until 2023 under the name Vasalgel (which proved less reversible than the original). The rights were bought by a different company in 2023 who are looking to try to bring it to market under the name Plan A For Men.

  • Harry isn’t a “cop”, like hes not walking the beat arresting people, hes a dark wizard catcher. Which is perfectly rational given dark wizards killed his parents and they’re pretty explicitly fascists.

    He’s part of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, the closest thing to his job IRL would be something like a cop in a gang task force.

    I literally work with a guy named Ying Yang.

    I had two professors in college named Bing Yang and Chingmin Yang. Both math professors. Had one for probability and statistics and the other for discrete math.

    I’m not defending Rowling as a person at all, or her statements about trans people, but the criticism of Harry potter feels very much like going back and reexamining them with an agenda.

    Because that’s exactly what it is. It’s mostly people that were huge fans that know the books well enough for those kinds of analyses, and they mostly didn’t start these kinds of positions on them until JK said things about trans people.

    And TERFy stuff was still common enough just 15 years ago that when Mary Daly died all the big feminist sites wrote these glowing memorials about how she was so influential to their feminist beliefs and then most issued an apology, retraction or the like when they realized the size of their trans audience.