Something like that heh
Something like that heh
Its fucked up vain bullshit. His maggots might like his shitty face in their purses but the sane folks elsewhere should burn it
Still gotta wait 3 days here I think.
All that HFCS has rotted their brains
Yeah. Shame we can’t get the military to oust his sorry ass
He’s afraid we will kill him but he keeps doing that kind of shit
And now his dod chief says they are discontinuing the US cyber operations against Russia.
Trudeau would be within his rights to tell him to suck off
My trumpet sister has wisely stopped praising her false god in my presence when they visit at least
Oh does he now wish to keep his position?
My grandfather always had tons of babyfood jars full of nuts and bolts, pins, and screws
People actually use that thing?
or what? Until the courts actually start doing things and not just talk about them, they will always be just so much fetid air
Parents should be charged
If you don’t want to be a doomer, do something about the doom in the world
Dogfood on the right, catfood on the left, goat chow in the middle
Light it up. Napalm-like
The Roman salute has no such loft
Yeah the concrete jungle can really put your mind in neutral gear the longer you move through it. Used to ride my bike all around downtown ft worth tx back in the early 70s. Then got transplanted out to the wide open ranch lands and found some quieter places to ride
and that’s IF you have a compatible investment vehicle that will survive that long