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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 30th, 2024


  • It’s a bit transparent and embarrassing for the DNC to be spinning this up right before the election instead of years ago when this shit was announced.

    Look if it makes people realize Repubs are fucking scum, I’m all for it. Let’s flip some seats.

    But would it be asking too much for the DNC to stop fucking spitting in my face with the bullshit and disrespect and actually work on reforming the crumbling pillars of our society?

    Do they actually expect us to believe this is some kind of heel turn and Republicans haven’t been working towards this goal all along, securing victories for their cause under Dem administrations and through Dem majorities? Like, it’s not some kind of big “go” button. The slide has been happening for 50 years.

    Yeah such a great threat to our democracy that they held this campaign in the chamber until Biden needed the boost to stay viable.

  • Are you able enough to safely operate a forklift? Warehouses in my general-labor overloaded area still pay $10 more than state minimum wage, offer plenty of overtime, and are literally always hiring.

    It’s hot, dusty, physical, and usually far from downtown, but typically it’s a decent wage and can hold you down while you look for easier work. Plenty of opportunities to transition to an administrative position, too.

    Try see if charitable orgs or colleges near you offer resume and interview assistance. Job hunting is shit, I’ve done it too, there are fake jobs everywhere, but seriously pinch your nose and play the game of capital during interviews. Act like a good little corporate drone, get promotions, use that leverage to lead good teams and help more people.

    Hopefully any of that is at least a little helpful. If you’re in a rural area, you may have to consider driving 2hr+ a day to where the work is. It’s hell, this is capitalist hell, but you need to play the game to survive first.

  • The fucking airlines are cutting corners on HVAC, too. Do y’all even remember that flights used to be freezing cold start to finish?

    Now you sit on the hot tarmac at the gate for an hour with AC off to “save power”, sit on the tarmac in line to takeoff for an hour, sit in a hot humid tube for 8 hours… I used to bring down jackets on flights. Now I wear a t-shirt and still end the flight sticky and sweaty.

    Same carrier, same lane. Not like cutting corners on HVAC is a literal health risk or anything.

    Although to be fair, cutting safety features in favor of profit is nothing new for the industry since Reagan.

  • Makes me laugh at the liberals spewing American exceptionalism bullshit in the other comment chain.

    Strong union support? Plenty of vacation? 40 hour work weeks???

    Genuinely, what fucking insane liberal bubble are those people living in to say this and act like Democrats are the “other side” rooting for the people and putting these in place.

    How can you say with a straight face the Dems have strong support for unions. Maybe the fucking police union, sure.

    How can you say we should be happy with the 40 hour work week. I work 55 per week and this is common for STEM degrees. In America, salaried workers don’t even get overtime and often make less than the fucking forklift operator outside.

    How can you say, unironically, Dems have given us plenty of vacation days. Even the most liberal strongholds use less vacation than developed countries. Y’all know it’s normal for Europeans to fuck off for an entire month every year?

    How fucking dare you liberals spit in my face and tell me bold lies and then demand my vote.

    The reason the hypocrisy of liberals is so fucking unbelievable is the realization that liberals don’t actually have beliefs or values. They are truly blue MAGA, that’s all it is. They don’t give a shit about making society better or helping the working class.

    And I’m so fucking tired of it. Burn it all down at this point if my choice is between continued hell or the literal apocalypse.

  • It’s yet another example of how liberal hypocrisy has led to the ongoing collapse of society.

    The core thought process requires one to agree that all conservatives should die as well, if all pedophiles should be killed.

    They’ll condemn pedos in the same breath as lamenting Turing and have absolutely zero cognitive dissonance.

    And yet you won’t find a single liberal willing to stand up for their beliefs.

    Even here you see their liberal purity tests, having to declare your attraction to adults or your vote for Biden or whatever next purity test there is. No I don’t fucking like children, the fact that a liberal is going to turn up here to accuse me of it is further proof of the thesis.