Prethoryn Overmind


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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • It fucking blows my mind people jump straight into, “well what if it’s staged.” What does that fucking solve? Questions about answering questions and those people act like they know something or they are more aware than the rest of the world when the big fucking picture is being missed and it is right in front of their fucking face. This only fuels repubs saying, “it was an assassination attempt by the left wing.”

    Trump might be the future dictator of the US but this is just far more ammunition for the very guns that just tried to kill him and this is lighter fluid.

    This shit is fucking nuts and none of it is good for anyone stop fucking trying to pull the video apart and going, “see see, it’s fake.” It doesn’t fucking matter because the damage is done.

    I always like to say to conspiracy theorists. If COVID was started by China prove to me it wasn’t started by the U.S.

  • There would probably be more illegal actions taken into account if caught if they cost the person/church/organization/company more money by doing so.

    While fun I am sure there are better ways to do something without costing people/organizations money. I think this is important to consider when we compare deeds and acts we deem as better for everyone and compare it to things we deem as not okay for everyone because we tend to get wrapped up in the idea that our opinions justify what is right when what it boils or would boil down to is this.

    Ousting a right wing ass hole and costing him and the church more money = illegal

    Ousting someone through extortion or costing them more money through scams = illegal

    While we could morally argue one is far better than the other the way this could be portrayed especially by someone in Florida a specific politician called DeSantis: “Those gay rights activists are basically scammers and extortionists.”

    While on the surface their moral obligations are clearly different and I applaud them. Hacking without consent or authorization is technically illegal regardless and can be charged but they are less likely to look like the bad guys by not costing, someone or some thing, absurd amounts of money that they would end up paying back like wise there is less fire power against them.

    Either way good on them.

  • Not an SO story.

    Not to you know brag or anything here guys but I did have 3 people fighting over me once.

    2 of them actively ended up sleeping together to try and get me to pick one of them.

    I chalk it up to, “pfft it’s because he uses Linux.”

    Kidding of course. In all honesty, I had gone through a very confusing breakup. At the time I was sleeping with three people. All of them knew about one another and they all knew I wasn’t looking for anything serious because of the previous breakup. I was also trying to finish school.

    All three people were really sweet and I still talk to two of the 3 and they are good people. We were all 4 going through a confusing time in our life. The one I don’t speak to now is married. I wish all of them well.

    Also, before you ask. (You won’t but I feel the need to clarify) I am genuinely meh on the attractive scale or so I am told. So I don’t know which black magic was at work but it was a fun and stressful time.

    I am reading half of these stories and just appreciating how all three of the people knew about each other and all ended up being chill with one another and me. You all are dealing with some crazy shit.