Ugh, that really sucks. I didn’t realize AWS was their bread and butter now.
Even so.
Ugh, that really sucks. I didn’t realize AWS was their bread and butter now.
Even so.
Y’all, stop buying shit from Amazon, completely. That’s where you start.
Bezos has money because we continue to give it to him. So, the first order of business is to simply stop spending money with him.
As in, forever.
Find an alternative vendor, or even schlep on down to a physical store if you need to.
Man, I’m torn on this one.
We have two grocery stores in our exurban area.
Kroger, as a corporation, contributes to politicians of both US parties in roughly equal measure. Less than ideal (zero contributions), but not too bad I guess. But, they do have an obnoxious customer loyalty card program. Boo!
Publix, on the other hand, doesn’t have a customer loyalty card program at all. Yay! But, the corporation and their leadership contribute HEAVILY to the new Trumpy GOP, Matt Gaetz in particular. So, fuck them.
I’m boycotting Publix. Lesser of two evils I guess.
I really wish we had a locally-owned mom ’n pop grocery. I’d pay a premium for that.
Y’all still using paper money and coins?
I haven’t used physical bills in twenty years.
I always park strategically - not closest to the front door, but right next to a cart corral if possible.
This is triply important when you’re lugging kids around.
Ugh, iRobot too. So now I’ve got to replace my Ring doorbell and get rid of my expensive robot vacuum and mop. Damnit.
Oh well, I can vacuum and mop by hand.
Fortunately, our Alexa devices are gone, Audible has been cancelled, our Kindles have been replaced, Amazon Prime, Amazon Kids, and Amazon Prime Video subscriptions are cancelled, and I just got my old photos copied down from Amazon Photos yesterday. So, I think I’m good to delete my Amazon account altogether.
I didn’t see thriftbooks on the list, so that’s a relief.