Typical Nintendo bullshit.
My name’s not Rick.
Typical Nintendo bullshit.
I agree it’s not very noteworthy but he’s voting Harris
Well this sucks. RIP
Spend some time on rtings.com, I like their reviews
I agree aside from journalists that love calling out how bad it is while still maintaining a presence on the site, such as the author of the above story.
Too bad single payor is… SOCIALISM!1!1!1!1!
I thought activist judges were bad?
I can’t wait to become the 50th president by changing my name to Candidate McCandidateface
The kids are alright
Sounds like someone’s overdue to eat a brick
Some good has come out of social media. I’ve seen people get reconnected with long lost family or friends, organize actual necessary protests, and the local buy nothing groups are great for reducing waste.
They charged him with two counts of second degree murder so you may get your wish
Did this Cooper guy honestly use the phrase “Jewish question”? That’s not even a dog whistle, it’s a fucking bullhorn
lol she would be a Kathy, feel like that’s up there with Karen
It sure would be nice if this kind of alarm system was a part of a broader initiative to make schools safer instead of the only thing. I’m still dumbfounded a father had no qualms with and was able to purchase a gun for his 14 year old after the FBI visited him on account of his child’s terroristic threats. Can’t possibly make it more difficult for these kinds of dipshits to get guns though, oh no
Rudy Giuliani in front of some lawncare storefront, “we have reports that illegal were-people were voting in this election”
Lost a lot of good men out there in the deer stampede hunts
I think it’s a sperm wearing a beanie
“Shut up and dribble” says some random plumber from Gary Indiana, as if he’s somehow more qualified to discuss politics.