“My wife’s face was eaten by a leopard, but it is a sacrifice I’m willing to make.”
“My wife’s face was eaten by a leopard, but it is a sacrifice I’m willing to make.”
It’s almost as if relentless chaos makes it difficult for people to have confidence in the future.
My eyes told me the same thing.
There is a reason central banks are buying gold, and that it is making new all-time highs, and recently breached $3K/oz. They’re anticipating the demise of the dollar, and minimizing their exposure to the chaos from the U.S. and buying gold instead of U.S. bonds. Look for this trend to accelerate, especially once the U.S. reaches the point where it can’t sell enough bonds to finance it’s budget deficit, leading to a massive debt crisis and the collapse of the dollar. Gold is already on track to be up >50% this year (up 13.7% so far ytd), and the consistent rise in gold while stocks and other investments fare poorly will only fuel the stampede. I’m confident that gold will end 2025 over $4k/oz, and that 2026 will be even crazier.
If I’m a doctor, there is no way I’m sticking my neck out, even if this law opens the door a crack. No one wants to be the test case for what is or isn’t going to send you to prison for the rest of your life.