Here’s a sample, but there are numerous open source scripts, depending on what you want, on git:
A simple web search reveals 3 such open-source scripts as the first results. Here’s one:
*Arr Suite, QBT, and a Jellyfin Server. Done and done. There are scripts to set it all up in less than 30 seconds…
This is basic, but there are thousands of lectures, books, and papers on it, going back to the 80’s.
Or anything with Donald Hoffman, which there is a ton.
Basically, our brain just handles our cognitive needs, and filters consciousness, which is a fundamental property of the universe. Think what you will, but this is a pretty popular theory in the past decade or so. Among physicists and neurologists alike…
My first thought was, “Have you talked to the Fallout modding community?” They’re huge masochists and love being shit on, even though they create such amazing things and deserve nothing but praise and monetary rewards…
Humans have a really, really hard time NOT assigning human attributes to every other living thing.
One thing that makes this hypothesis seem possible, is that some researchers are suggesting consciousness is external, and eternal. Meaning all living things are essentially antennae.
All I can think of is Russia. Definitely Russia.
I wish. Pretty sure it got lost in the numerous moves we made…
Undead Zombies? No. I’m no virologist, but I’ve read about a Rabies variety, or certain fungal infections. Fiction-wise, World War Z, or 28 Days type “zombies”, where the body is very much functioning, but the brain has been hijacked…
Mid 80’s, Boulder, Colorado. I was 10 Years Old. My Dad worked Graveyard shifts at Coors. He rode a Bicycle to work and back everyday. During his commute, he’d ride right by the Crossroads Mall. One morning, he came accross a ton of electronics and electronic components out in front of the mall, that were there as a result of the Radio Shack burning down the night before. Several employess were sifting through the remains, seeing what was salvageble. Anyways, my Dad was able to nab a Tandy 1000 RGB for $20 (~$500 New), with minor smoke damage. It came with all the bells and whistles. An actual Audio Cassette Recorder for data storage, Joy Stick, and several carted games. The only game I really remember was “Dungeon Explorer”. But I did get a few books from the library and learned how to write Basic.
How about mounting the rack a few inches off the wall?
I recently hunted for a rack mounted case for an ATX MB and PSU. The best I could find is 17.9" deep. Is your rack’s rear end closed? Any way to remove the rear panel? There is a site that’ll make you a custom rack mount case I came across. But it was mighty pricey.
This is it. Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks much!
That looks great as well. I like that I can integrate with my own domain.
Right when I saw you reply, I saw a post about it. Digging in to it now. Thanks!
Most of the hate posts in this thread, seem to have the same issue: Nvidia.
Let’s do the Time-shift again!!!
This is the correct answer. Deodorant works just fine without cancer causing aluminum oxide.
Enshittification is hitting every part of society…