These exist and are widely used in rural Romania. Even public institutions like schools and town halls use these there. They’re not the worst you can get though. About 10-15 years ago you’d also stumble across houses that had no toilet paper, just newspapers. You were supposed to wipe with those. Not a fun experience!
A tad perplexing.
If Reddit pulls these kinds of moves two more times or so, I’m 100% certain Lemmy will have all the niche communities you’d ever want. This place is much better!
Imagine how pissed someone who wanted to get away from civilization via the generation ship would feel
Not an American, but increasing SC members would seem like a good thing to do. The more people on it, the harder it is to stack.
AllYouPlay and another online game store wouldn’t let me register with a protonmail address
There were 2 online game stores that wouldn’t allow me to register with a protonmail account, AllYouPlay and another one that I can’t recall, which was weird to me
I have no idea why, but I get horrible heartburn from Coke Zero and Pepsi Max. I don’t get that from almost nothing else.
Some sites and services won’t accept accounts with e-mails outside of the mainstream ones though.
I think that’s a mindset issue. If you come at it with “I won’t be able to learn this, I’m too stupid”, you won’t give it your all and you will self sabotage. Besides, nobody is just stupid. You aren’t stupud either! Read up on intelligence types and you will certainly feel like one of those is yours, even if it’s not academic intelligence. Don’t give up!
Everything that needs to be done for society to maintain itself can be done if everyone works 20 hrs a week. The rest is just to allow some other people luxury lifestyles.
You are not only working to mentain a functional society, you are also working to constantly grow it (each year more stuff must be made, more money must be earned, more of everything) it and also to create a very big surplus for the rich. We also burn perfectly edible food, ruin perfectly wearable clothing and make electronic devices that intentionally break in a few years to get you to buy another one sooner just to get the 1% more money. If we didn’t do all that and they lived normal, non-luxury lives, everyone would have a lot more free time. If everyone worked only 20 hours a week, we’d make enough to sustain our society.
Electronics in Eastern Europe are generally more expensive than Western Europe or the USA since the supply chains are longer. You can find stuff in Germany at 60-80% of what it costs in my country, but your price is outrageous and most likely some sort of scam
Same, and it’s honestly a little refreshing
Epicureanism teaches that you will never have enough money, enough fame, enough influence, so chasing after those will never make you happy. Instead, you should focus on fulfilling your needs and fixing problems in your life, getting enough to eat, enough sleep, surrounding yourself with friends and enjoying the small things in life. When you’re unburdened by needs, you reach long-lasting happiness.
So to me, that means earning enough to fulfill your needs is enough, especially if you don’t have to worry about losing your job any time soon
As an outsider looking at American politics right now, I don’t see you getting out of a dictatorship and civil war without a lot of realpolitik from the democrats. Assassination may be extreme and strategically unsound for the dems (making Trump a martyr), but as I understand it, it would be feasible to, for example, add 10 more people to the SC, wouldn’t it? Or change electoral laws to make it so convicted felons can’t run for office? Maybe changing first past the post and abolishing the electoral college? I admit I am fairly ignorant of the American system, but wouldn’t those be achievable to Biden if he set his mind to it and damned the consequences (since he can’t be prosecuted for those anyways?)
Do you have a ghoti-ing licence for that joke? Wild ghoti must be preserved, you know!
As someone who doesn’t know much about China aside from the high competitiveness of their academic environment, I’m curious as to what sort of issues your friends face due to surveillance? Does it affect their day to day lives? Or does it just foster an atmosphere of “be careful what you say”?
The thing about sycophants is that they don’t tend to be very competent. I expect replacing people in crucial positions will be the start of the end for the US as a superpower.