It’s not a dev tool, it’s designed to force you to stay with the Windows environment by trying to regularise users to a proprietary intermediary management system.
It’s not a dev tool, it’s designed to force you to stay with the Windows environment by trying to regularise users to a proprietary intermediary management system.
So more unnecessary middle man trash designed to tie users more permanently to their OS choice. Nothing new then.
Never expect the bottom 80% of the bell curve to have self awareness. That’s a bet you lose 9 times out of 10.
Yes, people afraid of going to jail for their bodily function will behave in unpredictable manners.
3% desktop marketshare, it’s stop to pick up money, not go out of your way money.
It’s a 400 year time period, you could make just about any valid excuse for the use of either, both have been used together for 200 years, and inflame is older than inflammable by 200 years.
Yeah the AI definitely picked up on some firefighter influence, this was one that came up that almost had a helmet and jacket, maybe even some Canadian mountie,
Joke killer:
Flame - fire.
Flammable - has the potential to be set on fire. (eg. burn, ember, catch)
Inflame - to burst into fire.
Inflammable - has the potential to burst into fire. (eg. explode, detonate, erupt)
Non-flammable - cannot result in flame.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk. Blame the Ancient Greeks for this wonderful bit of English.
I misstyped. It’s supposed to be younger not older. Older cars are still required to show the correct speed however in 2004 manufacturers started putting in a ‘buffer’.
Cars manufactured before 2004 will generally have a very exact speedo that has the potential to display below the travelling speed under certain circumstances, eg bigger wheels than intented for the vehicle, overinflated tires, etc.
After 2004 manufacturer’s started putting in a ‘buffer’ of anywhere between 4 to 12 km/h due to new regulation preventing the previously mentioned situation.
For example a Taraga people mover can be anywhere from 7 to 12km under the displayed speed, Camry hybrids are almost always about 4km/h slower than their shown speed, Prius are mostly 5km/h slower on the dot.
My 2002 Camry is on the money.
Experience: Few years as a taxi driver.
Why is she trusting a speed detection sign in the first place, she had a speedometer that has a guaranteed margin of error in all cars older than 2004, and a legal requirement to never show above the actual travel speed. It sounds like a cop out, either the camera was not functioning properly or these people are just country lead foots. Given that I only need to go 15 mins out of the city to see people drive significantly over the limits with regularity. Wouldn’t surprise me if half these folks have never even looked down below the dash what with keeping an eye out for pigs and roos.
Windows is still a middle ground of functionality and user safety. Better for corporate tasks than a Mac, better for gaming than both, and benefits from massive marketshare making their systems better knows though osmosis, superusers still know their way around windows as well as any knows theirs around Linux.
Developers aren’t going to go after a 3% desktop market share of Linux users so most software development is still Windows and .net based in the corpo and developer spaces.
Linux as a desktop OS lacks both usability and compatability still. I don’t have to emulate shit in windows to do anything. No wine, no Proton, nothing. A normal user never has to touch a console in windows. Until you can go the lifetime of a PC for a regular user not needing the console then Linux will not be as viable as Windows for ‘regular’ users.
3% desktop marketshare says yes.
Linux isn’t hard, I just have 30 years experience and know my way around a console.
Linux is really nowhere near as hard as you’re making it out to be, 99% of the time.
The general populace are nowhere near at competent as you’re making them out to be, 99% of the time.
3% desktop marketshare. Linux won’t be seen as a viable solution until it is capable of handling an idiot half as well as Windows.
So you’re a condom?
People love novelties.
Why steal what’s being given away freely.
I smell narrow-minded condscending bullshit.
You’re the kind of person who’s father wishes they’d wiped on a curtain.